In today's East kilbride News there is a story of a cat who unfortunately was attacked and killed by a greyhound. I like cats as well and the person who's cat it is had my sympathy up until the point where she said " my granddaughter or grandson could have been in the garden at the time and the dog could even have attacked them". Maddie doesn't like cats either but to suggest that she can't tell the difference between a cat and a small child is laughable. I hope this story doesn't put people off these lovely dogs. Joe.
Sorry to hear about this unfortunate story in the local East Kilbride newspaper. Whenever I read stories of this kind, the first thing that springs to my mind is irresponsible owners who allow their dogs run around off lead with no caution or regard for other animals. Of course the irresponsibility of such owners are not highlighted in such articles. Unfortunately it is always the dogs fault!!!
It is all about responsible ownership, I'm sorry for the cat owner but am heartily fed up of the old 'what if my child/grandchild had been there' quotes in these stories. Its sensationalist nonsense