I'm just writing this because I've become quite puzzled by my dog's intelligence. You see, I was always led to believe that greyhounds were a bit dopey and that was one of the reasons, (apart from the nobility yada yada) why lurchers came about. However, since getting Eilidh in August, I've changed my mind because she is actually very clever, or sly depending on which way you look at it.
When we first got her we invested in a dog gate, but this isn't really very good now unless you jam the top as Eilidh has worked out how to open it. She knows that she has to turn the little clips at the bottom for it to open and if she nudges it, off she goes. She also knows that she has to pull it from the opposite side. Not only that, but if she wants a carry-on with our other dog Luca, she'll quite happily open it for him too!! Having said that, Luca has seen her do it so many times now that he's starting to cotton on. And they say you can't teach old dogs new tricks.
The other thing she does, that I'm sure she does on purpose, is to distract you when you're eating or especially drinking tea. She'll run off and grab something she shouldn't have and then run in as if to say, 'Look what I've got!' As soon as you get up, she runs off, dumps whatever she had and then makes a B-line for the table.
Anyway, these are just a couple of the sneaky things my pup gets up to and I was wondering if anyone else's dogs do similar (or better) things.
I can definitly synpathise with a greyhound running distraction and then making a run for the table when you ain't looking...
Worse than that, we've got them tag teaming now, one keeps you busy with the usual rub my belly routine while the other gives it legs with your dinner.
One of my Greyhound's (Ruby) also learned how to open the child gate but this had a very simple closure system which just required nudging upwards in a determined way. She hasn't managed to open the replacement gate however, so maybe not so bright after all! They really are a fascinating breed tho', my youngest (Rosie) is always the last to finish her food so the other 2 have got into the habit of hovering around hoping she'll leave something. Rosie very kindly takes a mouthful and drops it at their feet, whilst she continues to feet!
the tests are quite good fun and will give you an explanation of the results you get, I'll not tell you how our mob got on suffice to say IQ are 2 letters of the alphabet they don't understand!
Yip - Pearly surprised me as I was expecting a breed that wasn;t too bright. She's switched on and likes to solve puzzles when it comes to food - and she's learned a few tricks very quickly. I used to have a German pointer - he was amazing though - could open and shut doors and hide from you!
The other Christmas I was bought an IQ test kit for your dog - oh my! Our two struggled with the first and easy test! We always thought my brother's 3/4 grey lurcher was a bit dim, but he looks like Einstein compared to our two! I'm sorry, I'm of the opinion that they are very definitely dim! As my brother used to say "greyhound with a brain cell .... surely that would be a lurcher"!!!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Lulu and Douglas were watching University Challenge on Monday evening. The first question was, what is the top part of a building called? Douglas said "wroof". The second question was, what is the skin around a tree called? Douglas said "Bark". The third question was, who was Scotlands goal keeper from 1981 to 1984? Douglas said "Rough". At that point Lulu told him he was a stupid wee puppy dog, it was Jim Leighton.
Alan, Lulu and Douglas's Dad or am I Lulu's dad and Douglas's grandad?