Hi Folks, I've talked about the British Greyhound Retired Database (ww.bgrd.co.uk) before, well the nice people there have updated the site in the last few days. Not only can we now list dogs available for adoption but we can also display dogs that have been homed!
If you go onto the site and click 'search for greyhounds' you'll get a list of rescue organisations, amongst the list you'll find GAL with a new link next to our name for 'rehomed dogs', well I've been busy all night updating the details of all the dogs we've rehomed however after delving DEEP into the GAL archives I could only find 80 dogs out of the many hundreds we've homed that we had correct tattoo information on (the site only allows updates if you have the tattoo or racing name of the dog!!) I'm afraid we didn't really keep tattoo records till a few years ago
Anyways this is where you all come in, I'd love to get the site (and our records) as up to date as possible SO if you've adopted a dog from us and don't see him or her listed in the 'rehomed dogs' section PLEASE let me know your dogs tattoo's and/or racing name. Please email me - david@gal.org.uk - or simply post here!! THANKS! Oh yeah and a nice picture of your dog would also be great so we can add that to the site!!!
I was just checking the bgrd site (nice to see the blondie girl there already) and I found the lovely coco there.I'm glad she has found a home I felt really guilty taking Blondie away from her pal. Coco was Blondies kennel mate when they were with GAL. What I also noticed is that Blondie and Coco are cousins they share Slaneyside Hare and Spring Season as grandparents. Cool or what?
Hi Audrey, welcome to the forum, hope Blondie is settling in well! Coco went off to her new home on Tuesday and has settled in really well already, still really nervy but making some progress!
Blondie is doing great. She has taken over the entire house as you can probably imagine.I'm actually just heading out now for our last sniffing session of the night. We'll be at the park on Sunday so hopefully we'll get a chance for a blether. I'm really chuffed about Coco if she is as good as Blondie her new family are really lucky.
Hi Folks, still looking for pictures and tattoo information from anyone out there with a GAL dog!! If you check out the BGRD site now you'll see I've managed to update the site with over 140 rehomed dogs, if your's isn't one of them let me know or if your's is there but without a picture please send me one!!
I've been through all our electronic records and am now knee deep in the dust of the paper records (only got as far as 'F' so far!) I did find one amazing fact in the records, you may remember 2 years ago we rescued a pregnant bitch called STAR who gave birth to 12 pups. Well STAR was rehomed down in the Scottish borders but on checking out her details to put on the BGRD site (her racing name was Drumsna Flight) I discovered that we'd also rehomed her brother, Casper aka Drumsna Equal. Whats more amazing is Casper also now lives in the Scottish borders only a few miles away from his sister!
Our lovely Sim is there - handsome boy - his photo doesn't do him justice (perhaps I'm biased).
We are also hoping, or intending, to add Suzie to our family which will take her off the 'available dogs' list. At the moment there is a conflict of fertility resulting from Suzie (age 9) not being neutered, and Sim only being neutered this week as he had a badly infected leg when we adopted him at the beginning of December.
Hi Lesley, I am delighted to hear you plan to take Suzie also. (I met you all at the last Sunday walk). PS - you can send/e-mail Dave your own photo of Sim that he can add to the BGRD website.
Hi Lita - didn't know that was your name, but I remember Tyler of course!
Yes - Suzie won us over (I fear Charles may have hypnotised me on that Sunday walk). We would love to have her sooner, but must wait until all risk of mini-greys is eliminated.
Meantime we will have to content ourselves with meeting up from time to time - perhaps at the next walk in Strathclyde Country Park.
Hi Lesley, Suzie is just too georgeous, Charles wouldn't have had to hypnotise you too much! Anyways Suzie (aka Crebilly Banshee) has now been moved to the rehomed dogs list so no changing your mind !!
Hi Dave - Thanks for that - I am pleased and relieved to see she has been moved. It was making me nervous still seeing her on the 'available dogs' list!!
Hi Lesley Ive just read about your chinchilla's. We had one years ago called Rosie. She was a grey. She was 7yrs old when she died. I used to love watching her bounce off the walls.
Well folks, managed to get 170 rehomed dogs on the BGRD site and I've tonight written to the English and Irish stud books to try to get information on another 34 dogs which I have tattoo info for but which don't appear on their database, and I've still got 58 dogs that I don't have the tattoo's for so I'll be writing to their owners soon!
Not a bad total but if you think that GAL have homed well over 1000 dogs I guess it could be better, pity the record keeping was less than perfect in the early years of GAL!..
Anyways again if you see your dog but there's no picture or you can't find your dog let me have the details!!
Oooh, I've just seen that Jacky (beautiful boy up at Kelty) is Pearly's cousin - their dads were littermates. This database surfing is really very, very addictive!
Hi Fiona, it is so addictive! I've added another 18 rehomed dogs today thanks to the nice people at the English Stud Book who deciphered some tattoo's for me, almost at 200 now!..
What does it mean when it says "Percentage of different ancestors in the first 6 generations"? I've been having a very quick look through some of the dogs' backgrounds and comparing to Pearly. There are a lot of the same names popping up again and again, two of the most notable being "I'm Slippy" and "Sandman". Jacky is still the closest relative though!
Hi Fiona, it's just a comparison I guess to see how 'clean' the linage of the dog is, with so many stud dogs and brood bitches there will inevitably be some 'in-breeding' within the first generations, guess it's good to have a higher percentage of different ancestors....I actually discovered that one GAL dog we rehomed had parents who were brother and sister, I like to think it was an accident rather than intentional..