Hi Folks, few people were asking me today at the walk about dog boots. One of our adoptees had some feet problems and they experimented with a number of boots before finally coming accross dog boots by THERA-PAW. The boots certainly did the trick! You can find more information on the boots at www.therapaw.com and they can be purchased in the UK online at www.vetinst.com (do a search on this site for THERAPAW any you'll find them...)
Thanks Dave. Boots would have been handy just recently when Vegas's pad was stitched. It was a nightmare trying to keep his wound clean when the thick padded bandage came off to let air get to it.
I saw the neat little boots one of the dogs was wearing at the walk today and asked the dog's owner about them. She said she'd got them through a website, but I didn't catch the website's name!
Hopefully Vegas won't get injured again - but at least if he does, I'll have something to keep the dirt off his feet!
I bought a set of boots for Kaz when he was having problems walking. Initially he walked liked he was wearing a pair of flippers, but he soon got used to them. I will send these to you, and you can pass them on to a dog/s who would benefit from them.
Thanks Dave, You're a mind reader I've just been on-line trying to find the boots. The look brilliant and slightly better than the bright pink bandage that poor Blondie had to wear last week.
Any chance of stocking these boots in the GAL shop? Then, if anyone needed them in a hurry (well, we never know when they're going to have a cut paw) we wouldn't have to wait weeks for delivery.