How long will I have my foster dog for? - It depends, a foster can last for a matter of days, weeks or even months. It really all depends on the nature of the dog and the level of interested or suitable permanent homes we have for him.
Do I have any say in where my foster dog goes? - Whilst input from our foster homes is essential GAL will think long and hard about the placement of your foster dog and you can rest assured that we will match your dog with the best and most suitable home for him.
Can I keep my foster dog if I fall in love with him? - Of course you can! Whilst it does mean GAL will lose a valuable foster home it does mean the dog has gained a great loving permanent home.
What if I have holidays booked, where will the dog go? - Don't worry, if you can't take your foster dog with you GAL will provide alternative accommodation whilst your away!
Can I state a preference for the type or breed of foster dog I get? - Whilst we like our foster homes to be as flexable as possible we understand the needs of the foster home so if you can only look after males, or only want to foster pups or really whatever we'll accomodate your wishes.
Where will my foster dog come from? - We try our best to 'break' our foster homes in quietly so your first foster dog will be one thats lived in a home before and of course we'll try to give you a nice 'easy' dog to start with. As your fostering experience grows we'd expect you to be able to take a dog straight from a trainers kennels, one that has never ever been i a home before.
I have a cat but am DESPERATE to foster, can I? - GAL ALWAYS have a list of people waiting on catsafe dogs so we really don't have much need for foster homes with cats, HOWEVER, from time to time we do get very young pups in looking for homes, because of their age they will be catsafe and suitable for you to foster (as long as you are around the house MOST of the time to tend to your puppies needs) If you do have a very 'savvy' cat then you may want to consider takingin dogs that we THINK might be catsafe, you need to know this is a bit of a gamble and it will take some work to train the dog, this is quite a difficult avenue for a foster home but if you think you can manages you know where we are!
Do I have to come to all GAL's events with my foster dog? - No, of course you don't but if you CAN manage along to some of them that would be much appreciated!
Have been toying with the idea of fostering but a little concerned about how Blue would react when his new found friend is rehomed. Would be interested to hear how others have coped.
Hi Amanda - cant say Murphy showed much concern when Erin left - fair enough she was only here for a week, but it was still disruptive to him whist she was here as she nicked his sofa, he got quite jealous of her getting my attention/cuddles & he had to learn to eat bloomin fast.
When she left I think he was rather pleased to get his car space, sofa & mum back (probably in that order as well!!).
Ive spoilt him rotten this last week or so & taken him on all his favourite walks, met with loads of pals & their dogs etc & he doesnt seem at all bothered at being the main man in the house again!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
bluesmumanddad wrote: Have been toying with the idea of fostering but a little concerned about how Blue would react when his new found friend is rehomed. Would be interested to hear how others have coped.
Well I've just finished my first foster pooch and here is what I have found.
We have fostered Charlie for about a month he got on fine with our other three dogs one of which was a greyhound called Missy. Unfortunately for Missy, Charlie fell in love Missy has been missing Charlie a bit but she is getting extra fussing from the humans. Missy is taking extra liberties like going on the sofa and wanting lie next to me but other than that we have had very few problems.
We now have Maverick (Mav) but its early days yet to see if they all get along.