Cleo is realaxing at the moment. It's been a big day for her and a big step forward for her. She has moved from her kennels in Strathaven, where she has stayed for 3 weeks in GAL's care.
She is now in her foster home where she is getting used to the comforts of a home with comfy beds, central heating and alll sorts of other strange things.
Mirrors are abig thing in my flat - my new foster dogs are fascinated by thier reflections - What do they say we are all attracted by our mirror images.
Cleo is going through her settlingin phase - Everyone has muzzles on for first few hours- ( but hey hounds are ok with them) better safe than sorry. Mick and Snap are well used to the routine - they dont mind at all - better a few growls etc etc during the introduction phase than a bad bit.
Cleo has had her first introduction to Finn my cat - intial excitement - lets hunt the cat but that subsided v quickly as greyhound ' I'm tired ' thoughts emerged.
Keep posted for latest updates from Cleo see her pic on GAL site
Cleo is settling in well. She das got used to Mickey now and does not get get too close to him when he is getting fed, stroked or when he is in his basket. He's top dog show putting this new bouncy girl in her place. Snap, my greyhound is too lazy to bother.
Cleo was in the bath getting a good shampoo and wash down getting her cleaned up after her kennel life.
She enjoyed it - stood there perfectly.Then out for a towel dry and rub down. She will get a good brush tomorrow to get rid of the remaining -winter kennel coat.
She is a lovely colour - a very dark chocolate - and will be very shiny shortly.
She realy loves going out - the grassaand endless supply on interesting new smells
One think she is a very messy eater - food goes everywhere
Any advice on how to tackle first bath. I got Jacky from kennels on Sunday and will attempt to wash him in the next couple of days as he's a bit scruffy. How can I get him into the bath in the first place he's too heavy to lift??
Janice - Nicki gave a great tip for washing the dogs outside. Use a watering can with a sprinkle rose on it - it's like giving them a shower and less hassle than hoofing them into the bath. And you can control the temperature of the water really easily too.
I always put a large towel down on the bottom of the bath and soak it prior to putting the dog in, this stops the dog from slipping. It really takes 2 people, one to hold the dogs head/collar and to stop it jumping out and the other to wash. Remember hand hot water to us, is really hot to a dog, keep it tepid. Make sure the dogs legs are lifted clear from the sides of the bath when lifting in and out.
Also gave Erin her 1st bath which was a bit more traumatic as she kept trying to jump out, Id put the shower head down to grab her, showering myself right in the face in the process, she fell over twice so you HAVE to give them a cuddle whilst they are soaked to reasure them...
Honestly, she survived in one peice, LOVED being vigorously rubbed down with the towel 7 happy to shake the rest off in the lounge & cuddle up on the sofa wrapped in a blanket to dry the rest of her off...meanwhile I had to strip off everything inc undies & change as I was soaked to the skin!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Cleo is chilling out in her foster home. As foster dogs get used to their new surrounding - tsry to feel confident then all sorts of new behavoir emerges.
Cleo loves to bark at full volume - she actually lifts off the floor with her front legs when barking. She loves to do this when see see's my cat or sniffs the cat through the dog grid.
Positively - she soon stops with a firm word from me and slinks off with her furry toy to her bed. She is getting the message that barking out loud does not get her anywhere.
Her cat training is progressing mega well.
She is a mega babe - a real pup at heart who is catching up on things. Just learning about every day things.
She'd love a great new home with a boy friend for company and folkswho would care for her and let her wonderful personality flourish come to the fore
Charles -
ps Finn my cat turns a blind eye to Cleo's barking - a mega good sign as I trust his intuition re my foster dogs - he's on no 8 now
He is a rescue cat - FIV positive - vet's said it was pointless to keep him - but hey he's still strong 6 years later and doing his GAL stuff. A Glasgow steet rescue cat is very wise
Cleo sounds lovely Charles, looks like she is adapting to home life really well. What a super cat Finn is! I have a cat just like him (Magique aged 9) he is a rough diamond - a bit battered round the edges, but invincible (so far!)
Cleo is doing really well. I've been taking her out with me when I go to vist people. She has been great! Loves going in the van.
She has been very good in everyone's houses. No accidents etc.
She is fascinated by the lovely dark chocholate greyhound she has met a few times. She goes up to it . Sniffs its nose, Crouches dowm. Whines at it. It copies her. Yesterday she met it again and was real pleased.
But! Unfortunately it's her reflection. Yesterday she was trying to get round the back of the mirror.
She has made great progress with her house training and is nearly there.
Cat training carries on apace. Less barking and whining at the cat through the dog grid. She now stops imediately whe I say 'lie down' in a firm voice.
She is a lovely affectionate cutie girl. Who love to play with her furry toy. Run round the room and jump on the sofa at meal time.
Yip - Cleo is a special girl - She just loves goingout with me on visits - fortunately no accidents.
I cannot explain why foster dog no 8 - gets to stay with me. Chemistry lol
But I still wanted to have a foster space available. I've seen how new foster dogs settle into routine with my dogs very quickly. They respond to a settled routine where the normal accidents are overlooked but worked on in positive basis.
Cleo still has a bit of work to do with house cat training - but she has made mega advances in last 2 weeks. She is easily distracted from interest in my cat.. But all my cat protection defences are still in place untill I judge that things are very safe.
No chances taken with cats and greyhounds in the training phases
ps please note that only a few greyhounds pass the initial phases of cat training. One can judge very quickly if the prey drive is too imbedded. Don't take risks. And remember a cat safe greyhound is safe in the house only
Charles, always like to hear about greyhounds and cats. Our foster dog, Jacky, is mega interested in my next door neighbours cat, Chloe. At 6.30 this morning I was out in my nightie pulling Jacky back through a piece of fence he had broken through to get at the cat. Not a pretty sight - head and front legs in neighbours garden, back end in mine and me barefoot, covered in mud up to the knees! A quick trip to B&Q after brekkie and alls well again, apart from my nerves!