Well been given the go ahead to foster out first dog.
Will be contacting the kennels to see when we can pick him up. Hopefully sometime over the weekend. Kennels are quite a long drive from here so Phil is planning to pick the pup (now named Spartacus!!!) up and we'll meet them somewhere neutral with our dog Blue for a good sniff and (hopefully) wag session.
Just remember to expect the day 3 blues (how can you not with 2 of them!!) - no seriously...make sure you use folk on here for some much needed support...the 3 day blues exist -where you seriously doubt if you have made the right decision or not. Fear not as they pass just as quickly. Just gotta bear down & see it through. We are all here for you throughout so take as much from this experience as you can & more importantly have FUN!!
Heres to puppy puddles !!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Yay for your first attempt at fostering!!! It's exciting stuff. Must agree with Suzanne about the 3-day rule. Have loads of rescue remedy to hand, for you and the dogs!!
Not going to happen Sha, though he does seem like a very well behaved boy at the moment, I don't think him and Blue will be such good mates during those difficult teenage years. We've already had them sorting things out round the garden - well, Blue did the sorting, Spart did the cowering. The seem quite good now that that's out of the way. A couple more pics for you,
He is sooo handsome!! Cant wait to meet him tomorrow for walkies! Enjoy your 1st night - you'll prob get less sleep than me & Im on night shift! *hehe*
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
I'd say the sorting out is to be expected especially given the difference in age/size between Sparty and Blue, Blue is defo putting the little upstart in his place, with a bit of luck Sparty will be intelligent enough to get the message. We always have a few 'moments' when we take foster pups into our house but they always get the message within the first day or so. Watch for Spartys body language round Blue, especially if he's getting a telling off, if his tail is between his leg and he cowers away acting all submissive thats a good sign, if he lies down and shows Blue his tummy then thats an extra good sign that he's got the message about who's in charge!..
And love the piccies! Will get them on the GAL website soon as poss, no one is going to be able to resist him!!
V Impressed. Spartacus went and stood by the back door when needing a number2. Chose to go round the back of the garage too. So far (touch wood) no accidents in the house.
Must get him neutered asap rather "interested" in things
quote: Originally posted by: Dave ", if his tail is between his leg and he cowers away acting all submissive thats a good sign, 2005-05-01"
He is def submissive. Blue barked and Sparty put his tail between his legs and then cowarded under a bush. Sparty also peed himself as soon as he saw Blue which we presumed was an instant signof submission.
They have had a couple of good play sessions in the garden all in all not a bad first day but not looking forwards to the dreaded "day 3"
Well that's the first night over and what good boys Blue and Sparty were!
10 pm came around and the dogs were moved in the kitchen together and we retreated upstairs.
Couple of mins later heard a scrabbling at kitchen door but after a few firm but reasuring words he settled down for the night no crying at all and at 6.30 phil and I were the 1st ones up!
We are over the moon. Blue cried during the night for the first month!
This little pup is going to make someone an extra special pet
Awww, bless the wee man! Sounds like thing are going well. The piccies are lovely - who could fail to fall in love with that beautiful face? Can't see him being with you for very long cos he's such a babe.
Had a lovely day meeting Sparty today Amanda & Phil - thankyou!
What a wee character he is eh! So playful & full of beans but very well behaved to boot. He was so good on the beach when Murphy was chasing that lab & darting past him. All very good experience for him!
Good luck with the grooming! Its gonna take a good many days to get rid of the woolly mammouth kennel coat! Then he will be 10x more handsome - if thats even possible!!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Well one way to avoid the "dreaded day 3" ...........Poor Sparty is going in to get neutered tomorrow, A bit sooner than we had originally planned but it was either tomorrow or a week Friday and to be honest we are seeing rather more lipstick than we would like!
Sure this will help to get him to his forever home a little quicker. Go on you know you want him
Well, Spart's in for his pocket picking - Poor lad. Just a quick update, Sparty is VERY petite, weighing in at only 19 Kg (compare and contrast with Blue at 34.5 Kg!) - and he ain't going to get much bigger. If you like your dogs on the side of small, but perfectly proportioned, Spart could be your pal.
Poor Sparty. The things we do to our dogs eh?? Still, better for him in the long run. I'm glad Whistler has already been done. Didn't really enjoy sleeping on the kitchen floor with Luca and Eilidh when they were neutered. Not comfy!!
We'll be thinking of wee Sparty as he goes for his de-nutting today. He must be a right tiny tot to weigh so little. I think the smallest greyhound I've seen is Eilidh, who is a diddly 18kg or so (please correct me if I'm wrong!). She's a bonnie little bundle of pretty daintiness too. It's true what they say about all good things coming in small bundles. (Though where that leaves big boy Blue and 34kg Harry, I don't know....... )
This website is like some sort of torture, I am sure it is because we are just new to it but all those gorgeous dogs. Spent last night discussing with Ian going and living in the middle of no where with lots of doggies..........................oh for a lottery win!!!!!! But yes Spartacus/Blue is absolutely gorgeous. Let the arguments of another dog commence.