Much as I love to see my two dogs chasing each other round the field, I've come to realise that it's safer just to keep the greyhound asleep in her basket 24 hours a day. In six years, the older dog has had one injury - a cut paw (the vet suspected a sharp stone). The greyhound seems to get a new cut or graze every other day. If there's anything sharp, she'll find it and step on it though thankfully there's been nothing major so far. We've just got back from a long walk, both dogs are flat out and snoring, but one of them also has a bit of fur missing from one paw, and blood oozing from a graze on another paw - both new injuries. The other dog is bloodstain and graze free.
From reading this forum, I've realised that some greys do seem to be a bit accident-prone, or just downright unlucky. I'm grateful Belle's had no broken toes so far, but I can't help thinking it's just a matter of time.
Hi Elaine, someone once told me that if you put an empty box in the middle of a desert and come back 24 hours later you'd find a cat in it, I've often used the same type of saying for Greyhounds, leave a car with it's boot open and come back 24 hours later your guaranteed to find a Greyhound sleeping in it....I reckon we can expand on this a bit now....
Broken glass on the path, Greyhound will step on it.
Deep hidden hole in grass, Greyhound will run into it.
Really sharp prickly bush, Greyhound will try to run through it.
Unusually smelly discarded rag/pizza box/dead animal, Greyhound will try to eat it.
A large inviting path with just one sharp stone on it, Greyhound will come back with a bloody paw..
etc etc...Accident prone, you better beleive it!..
Luca, my lurcher, is so accident prone that every time we take him to the vet (at least once a month) the vet says, "Well, big man, what've you done now?"
Our vet has even stopped charging consultation fees for him and usually only charges for his medication!!!
Dave's quite right it's guaranteed if there's something to cut yourself on, he'll find it.
We've had Pearly for a year. In that time she's: 1. Run away into bracken and cut her legs and ripped her stopper pads; 2. Same again, a month later. 3. Fallen on her back (gawd knows how) and split her tail open, with the threat of amputation. 4. Ripped her dew claw out - by sniffing a black placcy bag.......
Not to mention various cuts, bugs, and general yukkies. We must have been to the vet about 25 times with her - Nicki can testify to the thickness of her file! We were worried GAL would claim her back under suspicion of abuse!!!! (I'm kidding - they know we love her truly, madly, deeply).
I don't know about accident prone but Erin into garden alls well 2secs later much whimpering and standing on three legs.FOR NO APPARENT REASON !!!!!! Vet off booking his next holiday with his additional revenue from the Gardiner/Williams household.
Still I really quite like spending time at the vets you do get a good gossip and get to see lots of other beasties!
In fact I have had various trips there in the last week. So looking forward to next week! NOT
what do you think inspired me to train to be a vet nurse!! - I spent so much time there when Murphy was a pup (chipped shoulder blade, viral infections, cuts, broken ribs, dog bite bla bla bla) that I thought Id save a fortune if I could actually do half of the patch ups myself!!...
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Blondie is exactly the same. She is so gangly she walks into doors, trips over things and turn round so quickly she hits her face off the wall. She is covered from head to feet in scars. She has also had a lovely pink bandage on her foot after jumping out of the car onto a stone. It's like having a newly born foal in the house. She eats anything as long as it's not in her food bowl and every morning has a good rub in foxes muck. She's a delight!
quote: Originally posted by: Audrey turn round so quickly she hits her face off the wall.
I know this one well! Don't they know how long their faces are?? Belle seems to be getting used to the length of her face now, but she still occasionally turns around too quickly and thumps it off whatever hard surface is nearest. Ouch.
Fiddie is also a wee accident-prone canine, but thankfully not as bad as wee Blondie and the others - between Fiddie and me, I am worse.
Anyway, when he gets up out of his bed, he has to uncurl himself and push upwards, he is like a baby giraffe. Just 'cause I am a pest, I call him Rodney (out of Only Fools & Horses, because of his gangliness) or Betty Spaghetti - but, he is just too cute!!
they don't seem to realise how long their noses are ! very often dave and/or daisy turn round in a doorway and have to suddenly lift their noses to avoid smacking them on the door frame - you'd have thought they would have learnt by now but .... nope !
Well....thinking way back when I was a wee yin and the family has a springer spaniel and a german pointer - we may have visited the vet about half a dozen times.
As Fiona said (FAJ) we've kind of been regulars at the Vet!! Insurance is a must.