Hi every one , sorry about title , couldn't think of any other way to describe my dog Blue's Formely (spartacus) problem , was wondering if any body has any ideas on feeding to make his poo's harder, we've had him for about three weeks now and its always been the same , got him checked and and had his business sampled for parasites and other infection s wich thankfully came back clear, the vet says it got to be something to do with his diet, we had him on rice ,fish ,scrambled eggs, generally light foods but it doesnt make any difference, also vet had him on stomach settling pills again no change ,. He's neither up nor down in his general health with this little problem , i just feel it can't be good for him. Going to put him on Vitalin Original on vets advise but would be gratefull for any suggestions anybody might have , Blues a 9month old lurcher. Thanks Bye: confused:
With my Lurcher I had the same problem and I have found that the cheapest brand i.e. Tesco's blue stripe or Lidl dog food seems to do the trick but it doesn't appear to work with Missy (a greyhound).
So along with Donna ..... any ideas how to thicken a greyhound's poo ?
I've tried many brands on her and she is squishy as ever !! Yuck !! (more hose than brush if you know what I mean)
There was another discussion about this on a different thread. Check out the topic "Query bout Harry - disnae chew" under Diet and Nutrition (sorry haven't figured out how to paste links!!).
We feed Mandy & Jacky on Arden Grange lamb & rice and a couple of spoonfuls of natural yohgurt every day and they never (touch wood) have any toilet troubles.
Our Blue is terrible with anything made by pedigree chum whether it be the denta rusks or the biscuits.
When your Blue was with us he had had a bit of an upset stomach and the vet put him on prescription food for dogs with stomach probs for a week then we could mix it with normal puppy food after that. He did seem to get better but we only had him for such a short time.
Our Blue was terrible when we first got him and like Missy we feed Blue on a cheap food from Aldis. (suspect it's very similar to lidels!!) Aparently it has friendly bacteria in it and Blue is fine now apart from when he has been on a bin raid
Felt bad about giving Blue cheap food but we give him tuna/sardines on his dinner 2-3 times a week and anyone who has met our Blue would have to admit he looks great and is very healthy.
One other thing, our Blue was quite runny on the Chicken foods, and much better on the Beef. I think it's quite a common problem with Greys that they can't quite tolerate the white meats as well.
our dave and daisy also had very soft doings to start with but i've found they like Petox rabbit flavour (it looks like an oversize sausage wrapped in plastic) and Prize Choice's Beef & Kidney, Rabbit and Chicken & Liver work very well. i mix it with their normal feed which is Odds-On Greyhound food. they are fussy sods at the best of times so it's nice to have found something they like and which makes clearing the garden easier !
not sure if any of the above are available in your area but hope it helps.
hope you manage to find a food that suits Blue's delicate tummy. We went through the same thing with Belle and the one that suited her best was Burns. But even then, she still had problems which we've finally cracked by feeding her four small meals a day, instead of the usual two. Over a 24 hour period she's getting the same as any other dog her weight, but she just can't tolerate very much in her tum at one time. It's a bit of a bind, but being able to pick up her mess, instead of wiping it up, makes it all worthwhile.
Mind you, she still has to be watched like a hawk. Any variation in her routine, and the skitters are back with a vengeance.
It could also be that he needs a little time to adjust to being with you. It's great that he is, but you know what these greys can be like when coping with change and often it's their tummies that react the most. Harry was rather loose for quite some time - not to mention the noxious wind! - and he can still tend to be if he's had a treat that's a bit rich for him. It took him about 6 weeks to firm up once we got him but he's pretty much fine all the time now.
Murphy has a v delicate tum & Ive now had him on Arden Grange (as recommended by a good few on here) for over a week now & not only is he loving it!! (not like him for dried food as he goes off things sooo easily day by day) but his poo's are transformed into nice firm ones & he is pooing far less - which means he is absorbing more goodness from the food!!
Good news for all poo bags out there in my opinion!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Hi Beef based food has generated let us say something more solid on the pickup front. Worth a try but I think Missy could do to be just a little firmer yet so will try the Arden Grange if I can get it.
Like Fiona said - it might just be that he needs some time to settle in. Sim had very loose poo's when we first got him and that continued for quite some time. However - normal now I am glad to say.
Natural live yoghurt is good for helping to 'solidify' and balance delicate tums. Plus - dogs LOVE it! Try putting a couple of desert spoons of that on his dinner.