Poor wee Hazza. Over the past month or so we've noticed that he limps after a long(ish) walk or when he's had a run around. Not immediately after the event, but more when he's been lying down sleeping and then tries to get up again. We took him to the vet today for xrays and he has osteoarthritis. It seems that he's had a bad tendon injury in the past which wasn't allowed to heal properly, and so now he has calcium spurs on his leggie (front right). It's going to get worse as the years go by, so we've to try to limit his exercise in that he musn't do very long walks, plus we have painkillers to give him when he's sore. In the long term, he might need to go on a mainentance regimen for it. We've had him on glucosamine-chondroitin supplements for about 3 weeks now, so fingers crossed this will help him too.
I felt so awful leaving him at the vet this morning. Harry sends hoooooooooooooge thanks to Auntie Nicki for looking after him so well. As do I, of course - Nicki, I'm SO thankful that you were there today for my boy.
He's now still very sleepy, and has just had a very light dinner of scrambled eggs and white rice. A funny side-effect seems to be that he takes ages to piddle - he stood for about 2 minutes doing a wee when we got him home. And as for his doo-doo.... well, let's just say that the only person's bottom in this house that I haven't wiped is Steve's!!!! (Too much info?)
Send nice thoughts to Harry, if you can, cos they'll help him feel better.
Oh the poor Macho man. Give him great big kisses from me and a manly pawshake from Blue.
He's so young to be having osteoarthritis but I guess thats what happens when thoughtless trainers race injured dogs.
Know what you mean about the humunga wees. Blue was exactly the same after his op. I let him in the garden to do a pee, got board of waiting for him to finish so went back in the house for a couple of mins, went back outside and he was still peeing!
Make sure you give him loads of Sardines as I'm sure the oily fish will help keep his leg supple, and of course what you give one give the other so plenty of Sardines for Pearly too (not that you need to be told I'm sure)
Spoons had a limp the vet thought might be arthritus and we started giving him cod-liver oil capsules. I couldn't tell if they helped the limping as it was intermittent anyway, but it did make him more skippety and smiley so seemed to have some effect.
Hope Harry enjoyed his eggs for tea. Ruby had eggs and pilchards as she was back in to get her ear re-stitched today. She took ages to pee as well, I'm not sure if they get out to pee in the vets (or how often) so I just thought she must have been holding it for long time.
Poor Harry, give him a big hug from me (and one for Pearly too so she doesn't feel left out)
Benson has similar probs diagnosed when he was a puppy, got him on long term meloxicam and herbal stuff called caniviton. Seems to have kept him limp free although I believe there is the potential for liver damage if used long term but I have to say Benson seems well on it. Caniviton is expensive though.
Hope that might be of some help and I hope he is OK
Suzie has arthritis in one wrist and I feed her on Arden Grange which has glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM in it. For good measure I also give her tinned sardine or mackerel (partly cos she's fussy, but also because it adds the fish oils).
She was so stiff when she arrived that I thought she must be riddled with arthritis and was most surprised to find it was only in one wrist. Now that she has been on Arden Grange for a while I must say she doesn't seem to favour that wrist any more.
It's such a shame Harry has this condition at such an early age. I'm sure all the TLC, sardines, cuddles and medication will help to ease him when it's painful. Give Harry and Pearly a big hug from us.
Sorry to hear about Harry's condition, poor wee man. I would definetly agree with the others, nice oily fish such as mackerel and sadines and cod liver oil. Fiddie loves his crunchies with cod liver oil, if he doesn't get his fish in sunflower oil. And, his coat is lovely shiny, slowly getting rid of the dandies on his underarms and tummy.
Hi Guys, sorry to hear about the big lad hope he's OK, I'm often asked if Greyhounds are prone to any medical conditions and my usual answer is 'no' however we do see a fair amount of them with this condition, I guess a combination of some hard racing and untreated injuries is to blame. Hopefully Harry will be Ok with the right medication, the worst case I ever saw was a dog called Dawson, he was about 5 when he arrived with GAL and very very stiff, he was diagnosed with arthritis in both back legs, hips and 1 front leg. He was homed by us 2 years ago and is still going strong, he takes daily medication (Rimadyl) to ease the pain and he does well on it, the dose of the drug has to be increased during the cold winter months but then lowered again in the summer....anyways I'm thinking good thoughts..
Just wanted to say a massive thanks to everyone for your good thoughts. I'm feeling much better today, more like my usual self. Though I'm not sure mum was best pleased at me when I did my usual jumping up and scratched down the back of her thigh. Oops! Didnae mean it. My widdling is back to normal, I'm glad to say. It's been bucketing with rain here today so it wudnae have been much fun standing in the rain for 3 mins having a tiddle. And I've been spoiled rotten today too, with a nice treat of a juicy marrow bone from the butchers. Must have xrays more often!