Hi Janet, Nugget is just a total star, she's completely bomb proof round dogs, children and cats, she's just a star..We've had a fair amount of interest in her (plus the usual list of people waiting on a catsafe dog) but none of the homes have been quite right for her, she's only still a pup so we're looking for a home where there'll be someone around MOST of the time, fraid all the interest and the people on the waiting list for catsafe dogs have all been out most of the day so we deemed them unsiutable..Anyways Denise reckons if she's not homed soon we're defo doing something wrong!!!
She's been in her foster home now for 2 weeks and she's settled in brilliantly, she just take everything in her stride,like I said she's just a wee star!
Dave the lady I told you about that lives in our old house that wants to adopt a dog is in all day, needs a catsafe beastie. I am going to speak to her asap. Hopefully she nay contact you very soon!
dammit!!!!! been seriously eyeing her up....got the puppy experience...Murpf comes everywhere with me.....needs a chic!....a dog thats great with kids....
you snooze you lose I suppose....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
But Suzanne, what about fostering a beastie again. I only say this cos of the wonderful job you obviously did with Erin she really is a star and you helped that. I do not know if I thanked you enough at the time, probably as we were all overcome with excitement at geting her, just a thought.
ps maybe Jane will not contact GAL or maybe she will not be the right person.......!!!!