The wee scone, feel really sad,the only place he settles to lie down is hard concrete slabs. I am assuming from this that is all he is used to.
He cried most of the night last night but in his sleep and kept waking himself up and really howling. Yes I spent the remainder of the night lying on the floor beside him. He does not know what a sofa, duvet,carpet is. Any suggestions for soothing his sleep would be good. Just as well that we do not have joined on neighbours me thinks.
He is eating well
He is great with kids other dogs and I have not seen my cats to intro properly ( I did spot a couple of cat size suitcases at the door though!!!!!!!)
Suggestions to help him with laminate floors. He is terrified of them and looks like Bambi when we try to entice him on. I am frightened that he really hurts himself though. Can you buy rubber matting in big sizes anywhere, like the stuff they have in stables that anyone knows?
The poor wee man sounds as though he's had a hard life. I'm sure he will blossom with all the tlc you are giving him. I'm sure he just needs a bit of time and he will be grand.
I've got a wooden floor in my kitchen that the dogs were having extra special trouble with.
Go to Harry Corry Interiors and they do a fine selection of raffia-type rugs with coloured edges. They've got rubber backing so they don't slip. Also, they are quite cheap, (@£25 if I remember) so if McGinty has a wee accident or two on one while he's settling in, it won't break the bank!
Oh and as for sleeping, try leaving the radio or TV on low and if he sleeps in the kitchen, leave on of the lights under your units or on your cooker hood on. If he sleeps elsewhere then it might be worth getting him a baby's night light.
I found with mine that one of the big, plastic bucket beds make them feel more secure (think it's cos they go right round them.) Finally, put something that smells of you to bed with him.
I have managed to get some mats this afternoon and as you have said it has made him more confident so he is not running at the floor now and not panicking. He is much happier this afternoon, his favourite spot is lying just in from the concrete floor in the utility with the cats. Which is quite amusing. I could not get a bucket bed today but if he is still not happy tonight I will try and get one tomorrow. Thanks again for suggestions
The boy was much happier last night..........Put on a radio Radio Scotland seemed to be his station of choice, put on a nightlight and made a bed space for him with sofas and a chair so hopefully he felt safer. We all had a peaceful nights sleep. He has been so tired today as I suppose it is the first time he has relaxed for a couple of days. I am off to give him a bath now...............I am anticipating getting VERY wet. Very stressful all this looking after a dog that is not your own, trying to make sure you do eveything right.
McGinty has just met the lawnmower not too happy with it. It must be so strange for them getting home life sussed out
Susan, if you need anything for your foster email me at or call me 01324471438. I have a dog bed in the unit where we keep all the gal shop stuff in grangemouth.
You're doing really well, Susan. And McGinty will soon realise that none of the unfamiliar things he sees and hears in the home are there to harm him. What a lucky boy he is!
He is happy i think, he is doing so well taking everything in his stride. I was away for the night last night so Ians sister dog,cat,child and gerbil sat. She brought her dog to and they all had a ball. He seems to have got his confidence and is happily settled with everything. He is being well socialised and being taken lots of different places to see lots of things. I really think he is going to be OK.
Isn't it BRILLIANT when they smile? Honestly, delighted that McGinty is showing signs of enjoying himself. He'll settle down in next to no time. Good for you!
Well done all of you! It's such a buzz when you see them showing their true personality and when you realise that they trust and love you. Keep up the good work and any chance of a piccie..pleeeeeaaase!!
Shrley Jim and the gang
Erin has been at the vets with her broken toe and McGinty was in to get neutered on Friday so it has been hectic. Not to mention all the end of term stuff and induction days and and and...
Please note Erins bandaged leg and the photos outside are the most up to date ones.
Super pics! Don't McGinty and Erin look great together? What a pair of stunners! McGinty looks really settled and happy. Hope Erin's toe doesn't take too long to heal. It'll be interesting to watch the two of them start to play together. Keep us posted on how they're getting on.