It's 7.00pm and both dogs are relaxing on the sofas.
Sun has been appauling the other housemates with his body odours - mouth and bottom! He had a 5 minute lie down in the garden this morning but was panting quite heavily so retired to the coolness of the house (sofa).
Walkies was interesting: Ozzy on his retractable lead, for part, and bounding ahead of the pack. Sun, meanwhile, stopping every 2 minutes for sniffs and business. I feel like Mr Tickle!
Managed to avoid the rain, by seconds but on return to the car both dogs had "forgotten" how to get in, stranegely enough dog treats cured this amnesia! I took a different route to the one yesterday as Sun had had difficulties with the kissing gate - they certainly weren't designed for greyhounds.
Shortly after arriving home Sun started panting heavily again, this lasted a few minutes and then he'd breathe normally for a minute or two before starting up again. The whole thing lasted about 20 minutes - It was now much cooler and raining, I tried enticing him to drink but he wasn't interested, so I doubt very much it was heat related - Any ideas? He's been fine since.
it could be that Sun is just out of condition. Harry pants a lot more than Pearly does, as she's gotten used to long walks during the year that we've had her and he doesn't have quite the same fitness. He seems to feel the heat a bit more too and he'll pant more readily than she does in the same temperature. He's often found lying half on and half off his bed in the evening, cos he wants the coolness of the floor.
If you think Sun is too hot, try laying a cool (not freezing cold) teatowel on his neck and sideswhen he's lying down. I do this for my two and they seem to enjoy the coolness on a hot day.
Hope he's okay and breathing easier now.
ps: i know what you mean about the kissing gates. Pearly and Harry thought they were instruments of torture and that I was doing something horrible to them by making them walk through!
Poor Sun - He was "tidied up" yesterday, and had his teeth scaled whilst under. Came home terribly groggy but insisted on going out for his evening walk. I was just going to let him relieve himself but he wanted to do the whole distance!
He is much better today (currently trying to catch a fly) although looking very red and sore. Ozzy has sensed something is not right and has been given him a wide berth. It's probably brought back a few bad memories for Ozzy!!
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Meant to thank FAJ for the advice. Sun has been fine since - I think perhaps we should keep his walks shorter for the time being. So i've been taking Sun out in the mornings and Jenni has been exercising Ozzy for longer, later in the day. They both go out together in the evenings.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Sun has resumed his "housetrained" status - we had a couple of accidents early last week but so far, so good. He is responding to his name and getting excited when his lead appears, and when the door to the treat cupboard opens, lots of tail wagging , leaning and head butting (my bottom usually!)
He still has momentarily amnesia on returning to the car after a walk. The other morning I had to get in the back to entice him in - much to the amusement of the other dog walkers!
Over the weekend the boy has caused us two accounts of heart failure. Firstly, when we decided to give him a bath on Saturday he was very accepting and just stood there. Suddenly and without warning his legs gave way/he collapsed/he'd had enough and flopped down in the tub. He didn't seem stressed and made no attempt to stand up. Jenni supported his head and chest and I took hold of the other end when it became apparent that he wasn't going to get up of his own accord. We managed to get him in an upright position but as soon as we removed the support he flopped on to his other side. We lifted him straight out of the bath very carefully, and tentatively got him dried. He trotted away and down the stairs with no problems.
Secondly, we'd been out walking on Sunday and Sun had crashed out on the back seat of the car (religating Ozzy to the boot!). I heard a bump and turned round to find Sun, on his back, on the floor, sandwiched between the front seats and the back seat. Again, he made no attempt to get up but clearly wasn't comfortable. Luckily we managed to pull over quickly and both jumped out to help him up. As we picked him up we were both fearing the worst, spinal problems, hip/leg injury, heart problems, etc, etc, etc. Sun didn't wince at all as we put him back on the seat and once we were satisfied that he wasn't in pain we got him out of the car to stretch his legs and have a proper check. He appeared fine, no yelping/wincing/limping/bleeding. Sun spent the rest of the journey in the boot!!!
Is this the laid back nature of greyhounds and should we stop fretting or should we have him checked out by the vet?
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
It sounds as if Sun is really enjoying home living and getting to know where all the good things are. Vegas does that nose butting thing too when he's excited - I think it's his way of telling me to get a move on, hurry up, I want my walk, or treat, or whatever! It's great news that he's settling in with you.
I must say I haven't heard of a dog flopping like that in the bath or when in the car. So I'll be interested too, to see if someone else in the forum has a dog who does the same. I'd be tempted to get him checked out at the vet anyway, just to eliminate any medical reason why he does this, when he seems OK seconds later. It could be that he's unused to the movement of the car and just fell off the seat! But that wouldn't explain his episode in the bath.
Hope everything goes well from now on and keep us posted. Good luck!