Wondered if this is just Harry or if other ex-racer owners have this.
If there's ever an occassion where we want to get Harry to go somewhere in the house and we try gently coaxing/pushing him from the rear he digs in something wierd! If we then walk in front and then coax him along he obliges - well, usually. Needless to say we don't push him much.
He does somethng similar with our dog gate - whenever you call him to go into the kitchen or into the hall through the gate he goes the opposite way if you are on the same side as him- always best to walk through first then call him.
Maybe a throwback to being pushed into racing traps? He's a funny one!
Fiddie does this too. A few weeks after he got us, when out walking he would stop for no apparent reason. He really dug his feet in an refused to go another inch forward. He's much better now and we have started to watch out for things that might spook him. It can be as simple as waiting for the traffic lights to change, he thinks that we don't want to go any further so therefore he doesn't want to go either! We've found that gentle coaxing and lot of patience (and the occassional bribe) work well.
yeah, had a few of them like that, stick the claws in and decide not to move, Ivor used to be a star at that, gentle coaxing and a bribe usually works (god they have us well trained don't they?)
This is nothing to do with pushing dogs about. I just had to mention your avatar, Andy. What a brilliant photo of a laughing Fiddie with his sexy slippers! Tremendous!
Tyler used to be terrible for freezing on the spot, head down, simply because she wanted to choose which path to take in the park. We rarely gave into her, which meant loads of patience, a stern command, and a strong hold on the lead. My son once said, people may think she's being kidnapped!!
Since Max came to stay, it rarely happens - that stubborn streak has almost vanished, but she can have her cheeky moments, like when out in the garden and asked to come in - Max trots in straightaway, whilst sometimes Tyler will have a cheeky look on her face, a glint in her eye, does a quick skip and heads away in the opposite direction.