Today - to both of our surprise - Sim and I learned that Sim can swim!
We were walking in Balloch Country Park with a friend, Sally, and her two black labradors: Jack and Meg. We go regularly and it is a joy to watch Sim run, and fun to watch Jack trying to keep up or waiting behind bushes to ambush Sim.
In company with the labradors Sim has learned to enter the River Leven at a beach. Previously he didn't know what to do at the waters edge, but now he happily wades in with them and takes a big drink. The first time he found himself in the water he did a hilarious four footed leap right out the water at Jack.
However - today something different! Sally started to throw a stick into the river for Jack - they walk down a jetty from the beach and Jack has perfected his 'dive' - wonderful. Sim was in the shallow water at the beach when the first stick got thrown - he started to follow Jack but realised that the water was getting too deep so he jumped out to follow Sally down the jetty.
I called to her to watch him and started to follow - but too late! I knew he wouldn't know what the edge of the jetty meant, having only previously entered the water via the beach. He started to walk forward into the water and PLOP - he went under - but he bobbed up and swam back to the jetty where Sally got hold of his collar and helped him out!
No damage done - and Sim didn't even seem particularly phased by the event.
Oh Lesley - I wish I'd seen that! It must have been so funny. Sim must have wondered where on earth the ground had gone! But of course he'd want to go wherever Jack went too.
Vegas only swims when he has to when he's got out his depth accidentally by plunging in. I've seen him do it twice and both times he swam kinda panicky, frantically splashing about with his front legs instead of using them to give him purchase through the water. A bit Scooby-Dooish in fact. He much prefers going in water where he can see the bottom and he'll even lie in it as long as it's shallow enough.
Hope Sim swims again. And it's great his unexpected dip hasn't seemed to put him off!
Christine - I was quite amazed that Sim didn't panic, because I am perfectly certain that he has never swum before! Even paddling is new and you can see that the whole thing is a novelty. I am quite proud of him for keeping his cool.
Well done brave Sim!! Murphy is now brave enough to go out far enough the sea comes over his back - definite tippy toe stuff & he has been caught out a few times by big waves that gave him a dooking - poor lad came in looking like a drowned rat! I wasnt keen to even put a toe in the water after that! but by the next visit all was forgotten!
Id love to see Murphy swim - if nothing more than to know that if in difficulty he could get to safety.
Can anyone elses Grey swim??
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...