Always amazes me how soon dogs can relax in a home environment after living in kennels or worse for so long.
Blue is so laid back it is unbelievable. Have just hoovered and had to pick his head up then his paws to hoover under them. He didn't even open his eyes!
Out of our three, Barney is the only one who shows interest every time you come into the room. Freddy and Wilma don't even bother to lift their heads from their beds.
On the days I work from home, they can stay in their beds just about the full day, until Sharon comes home from work, or I get their leads....
As for the hoover, they hate it and scarper back to bed as soon as it is wheeled in, even if it is off! Barney wasn't too bothered the first time he saw it - until it was switched on and started moving around the floor, then he was off!