Actually - this may seem a bit of a horror story but I actually went "Yeah! - good on ya old gal"
In the last month or so Harry has been a bit of a handful at times and really rough with Pearly. He's also started growling and lunging at most dogs into the bargain - not so good!
Anway - when Harry gets too excited he takes it our on poor Pearly and lately she's been starting to retaliate a bit more, but only warnng off barks and growls.
Tonight when Harry started roughing her up she obviously had had enough and nipped him hard which sent him yelping off looking like a lost soul. Nice one I thought - here's hoping that he starts to respect her a bit more iin future.
As for the lunging - well, we are working on that but it's one for the long haul we reckon. Harry is ace but needs a few skills.
Barney and Freddy have been best buds since they had their "discussions" a couple of weeks ago. There was a lot of noise at the time but no injuries. It might seem fairly bad to us but seems to get the "problems" resolved.
We think it has moved Barney into the "top dog" position, but not totally sure. Freddy is so laid back it's hard to tell sometimes who is "top dog".
Wilma quite often lunges in a playful way but Freddy rarely rises to it. Barney on the other hand lunges back and this really gets Wilma's hackles up!! She's good at giving it but not so keen to be on the receiving end!! (playfully of course!)
Hopefully Pearly and Harry's relations will improve after this!!
We've still no idea who is top dog although we know who is the toughie.
But today Harry is quieter, better behaved, not roughing up Pearly, not barging her out of the way for attention or chasing her from one side of the garden to the other. Aye - in your thinks he's going to have to learn the hard way with lots of nips.