Today, I think I was insulted. Either that or the woman in the park describing me was visually challenged. She asked my Mum what kind of dog I was and when she said I was a lurcher, she said, "Oh! I thought he was a PIT BULL TERRIER!!! He looks very like one". Now, as far as I know, Pit Bull Terriers have about half my height and length of back, they're broader across the chest and have a shorter nose than I have! They're strong dogs too - but they can't match us for elegance when we're strutting our stuff.
I must say Mum was pretty speechless which is an amazing feat in itself - I've never known it happen before. She thought I'd get paranoid, so she's been assuring me that I'll never look like a Pit Bull Terrier, that I'm a lurcher and I've got sighthound written all over me! "The woman's daft!" she said.
I know Mum's right - but it doesn't stop me gazing at the mirror just to make sure!
Oh UCE!! Do you think that Pit Bull could be my evil twin? Look at those short pointy ears - they look like devil's horns and he's got small slanty eyes! I don't have any of those - but look at his markings - very similar to mine in black, if I'm honest.
Thanks to everyone for their reassurance and I'll believe my Mum from now on. Now - just to make absolutely sure for about the 20th time today, I'll go gaze at my reflection again. I'd hate to suddenly morph into that Pit Bull without me noticing!
Well, Vegas, I don't think you look like one but call me daft if you will cos I actually think that pitbulls are handsome. Not as gorgeous as you, of course.
I found the pit bull too - after about the third attempt!! LOL - a lot of breeds look exactly alike, don't they? But definitely not lurchers and pit bulls!
Christine - Murphy has full sympathy with Vegas as he too is smarting from probably the most ridiculous comment Ive heard yet...
whilst away in Arran last week as child walked past Murphy & said to his mum - "look mum - a sausage dog!"
It took me about 10 minutes to pick my jaw off the ground!! Unfortunately the kid was long gone by then so I couldnt clip the wee so & so around the lugs!! DUUUUUH!!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
I thought I'd heard it all - but a crocodile!!!! The child must have a Picasso-like way of looking at things and a vivid imagination to think that Blue resembles one!