Trei my foster dog loves to rush full speed towards the lounge door when I'm getting ready for a walk. unfortunately on Tuesday night he rushed past Snap who was asleep on my sofa. She nipped him but as he was moving so fast his skin tore.
2 inch triangular skin rip. So next day off to vet. So it was a super glue and 3 staples. He did not flinch once - even with no pain killers.
He was very uncomfortable with the saples and during night managed to remove bandage, dressing and staples. He had a look of accomplishment So back to vet - we agreed that we would dress wound and leaveto heal without staples.
Trei has been much more comfortable and has not tried to get at the wound. He is lying stretched out on sofa at mo.
Vet advised you can buy similar type of glue for humans for cuts - I saw it in Boots. It stops bleeding right away and glues cut together. Was telling vet I was watching a movie on tv last week - Dog Soldiers - was about soldiers being attacked by were wolves. Soldiers glued back a wounded soldiers insides. Aghhh
Oh poor Trei, Charles! Hope his wound heals soon. It's a sore one to get and so easy for it to happen to a greyhound when they've little or no padding in the way of fur. Hope he manages to keep his dressing on and that the glue works.
Give Trei a big hug from me and let us know how he's getting on.
Trei is doing fine - dressing change twice a day at moment plus two antibiotic pills per day.
Unfortunately he has very bad diarrhoea at mo - not sure if this is due to pills or an infection as two of my dogs have had similar in past week. I won't go into the scene etc etc in my flat.
Trei is lying on his back on my sofa - all 4 legs in the air - Not a care in the world.
My guess is that it'll be the antibiotics that'll be causing the upset tum, they have with me in the past and I don't have a greyhound's delicate constitution
I reduced Trei's food quantity and gave him a lot of live yoghurt. That resloved matters. It may have been a two day bug and not antibiotics as both Mick and Snap had similar 24 hour thing.His wound is slowly healing and reducing in size. One has to wonder at how the body heals itself. The wound is still raw and red/pink in colour. The new skin is slowly creeping towrds the wound centre.Trei has found ways of getting his toungue through his muzzle and removing the dressing and plaster. I gave up the elastic bandage at beginning. You can imagine how long that stayed in place when wrapped round his middle. Think an all over cotton body coat would have done trick.He will be showing off his wound at the GALA and trying to find a great new home. He's on look out for a nice girl greyhound and someone who can take him out lots.
Great news that Trei is healing well! And that his ltummy bug is on the run! But aren't dogs the limit for managing to get their bandages and dressings off? When Vegas cut his foot recently, I dressed his paw myself a couple of times, saying to him "Now try and get out of that one". He always did, just to prove me wrong of course. I think your idea of an all over cotton body suit is excellent. Perhaps an old T-shirt of yours could be altered.