Our big lad Harry is going through what can be described as a Jeckyll and Hyde phase at the moment.
Indoors he is a star and rarely put a foot wrong - great big sook! But, when he's outside he's a right one. If it has four legs and fur (and isn't a greyhound) then it must be, well, politely putting it, talked to quite vigorously. Considering we live in a place literally surrounded by cats and right next to six dogs in our cul-de-sac, it is a bit tricky at times. (Neighbours peep behind their curtains to see if the coast is clear first before venturing out with their dogs - slight exaggeration of course!)
So, we are doing our best to socialise him as much as we can with non-greys - has its moments!
If you are at the GALa event on Sunday please find our lot (Harry, Pearly, Fiona, my dad and I) and introduce your hounds. Scary lurchers and other types most welcome! We think he'll behave as good as gold on Sunday as he's with his own kind.
If I must Steve!! *LOL* - of course Ill be giving Harry boy some huge hugs!!! and his little princess sister Pearly too....cant wait to see them both - such a pity he has taken steps backwards in his opinion of little fluffies.....my two met one of your neighbours westies at Gullane beach y'day....
they went screaming up to it at 100mph - she screamed, my heart stopped as neither so far have taken off after a dog like that, but both ground to a screatching halt, sniffed bums & then wandered off....it was then that she mentioned you guys & how her westie used to play with Pearly but not now that Harry was on the scene......hmmmm.....
Are you taking him to any obedience classes? He is such a lovely boy - it would be a shame for him to stayed muzzled for the rest of his days considering he started off so well....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Hi Suzanne - the wee westie was attacked by another dog sometime ago so has fear aggression - it barks like a wee mad thing when you go near it and of course that sets of Harry big style. It took a while but it eventualy started to trust Pearly, then the big lad came along! It also got attacked by our next door neighbours spaniel which is normally a great wee dog but was nearly on Harry's menu yesterday! It's all go in Gullane.....
Harry gets lots of training - loves clicker stuff - but his new attitude and high prey drive means he's firmly muzzled and on lead for the long term future. But as you know - he's a big softie at heart so we hope the calmer inner self will come out to play at some point.
We'll see you Sunday - fight you for the medals!!!!
Of course I'll give Harry, and of course, Pearly big hugs! Vegas will be there to meet them too. I always make a point of going to events and not leaving any of the dogs there patless if I can help it!