Hi All. Found a couple of interesting tracts about dogs. One will make you cry, the other will make you smile:
The sad one first.............
If it should be that I grow weak And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then you must do what must be done, For this last battle cannot be won.
You will be sad, I understand. Don't let your grief then stay your hand. For this day, more than all the rest, Your love for me must stand the test.
We've had so many happy years. What is to come can hold no fears. You'd not want me to suffer so; The time has come -- please let me go.
Take me where my need they'll tend, And please stay with me till the end. Hold me firm and speak to me, Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time that you will see The kindness that you did for me. Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I've been saved.
Please do not grieve -- it must be you Who had this painful thing to do. We've been so close, we two, these years; Don't let your heart hold back its tears.
And the other one.......
Lessons That Can Be Learned From Our Dogs:
Run, romp and play daily
Never pretend to be something you are not
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do
Take naps and stretch before rising
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride
When loved ones come home, always run and greet them
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree
Be loyal
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm
No matter how often you are scolded, don’t pout. Run right back and make friends
They've both made me leak a bit! The first one speaks for itself, but the last one gets me because no matter how badly these greys are treated they still will often run back and make friends.