Maisie O'Brien is now officially enrolled as class dog, along with big brother Murph...
today was her 1st intro to study...she came into class & was introduced to all 22 student vet nurses & lecturers & soon discovered it was a great place to be come lunch time as she could look pityful & get bits of sandwiches off everyone!!
Then she & big bro (who is an old hat at student life now) settled on their blanket at the back of class, supped on their water & munched on their biscuits as they listened intently to the lecture on the endocrine system....(hormones to you n' me).
They both said after that they had fun & enjoyed running around the grass at lunch & breaks & having lots of hugs from their fans....oh..& ham!
Maisie says that she will be more intelligent than her mum when the course is finished at this rate as she was sure mum nodded off mid lecture....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...