I can't help but feel that with each day that passes, Ruby becomes dafter and dafter.
Yesterday was a classic - on the first walk of the day we met an old labrador, so I kept her on the lead until our walks headed in different directions. Off the lead she was fine, then the lab reappeared on it's way home. Ruby rushes over to play (it's too old/fat which is why she was on the lead). After a couple of attempts at bark/chase me and the lab only bouncing on the spot, she picks a new game. A quick series of low barks to explain the "rules" to the lab and she trots off around a nearby tree with the Lab in pursuit. At this point the owner should probably have let go of the extending lead rather than chasing after her dog. On the second circuit I grabbed hold of both dogs as the owner tries to untangle herself from the lead/tree. Ruby has a big evil grin on her face.
Oh well at least I'm wide awake at 6am.
Later in the afternoon she tried to jump a stream! Vanished from sight head first with a series of bloodcurling yelps. No idea why she tried this as we walk there every day and she normally approaches it carefully for a quick drink/paddle. As she took off into mid air I could only stand open mouthed at superdog!
She's fine by the way, very wet, a bit of a muscle strain and a slightly cut paw, which only leaves the question of why???
I'm sure it's a Greyhound thing, other breeds seem far more sensible - that must be why we all love them so much!
Our grey Dan is also crazy, he totters about as if his legs were made of wood, when he tries to jump up on you like the other dogs,he can't make it and often takes a layer of skin with him, but he can jump up onto our daughters cabin bed(about 4.5ft from the ground!) The first time I saw him I could'nt believe my eyes, I of course nearly have heart failure watching him come back down(her room door is always shut now!!) I think he is getting more crazy as he is getting older!!
yip greys r definatly bonkers on many a morning u hear a sqeek from her sqeeky chicken and there she is bum up and tail face down playing with it throwng and chasing it u shout to her u bonkers dog then she goes for a mad dash round the back yard barking at me "look at me mum aint i the greatest" then no sooner acknowledge that shes back to her chicken.
shes so cute tho when she does it doesnt get boring watching her at play.
can someone tell me why they run their snouts against u is that showing affection she does it for ages when ur giving her claps n love.
Seriously hounds are nutty but have you noticed they like to be 'odd' in private, if I catch any of mine doing odd things they immediately stop and get that 'I didn't do it' look on their face..