Hi, Claire Cartnell (st huberts hound sanctuary) called one night to see if anyone would be interested in him. Dave contacted Sha(I think Sha has a saluki pup?) but didnt know of anyone who would want him. Having Aisha I think Claire was hoping I would come and see him. Paul decided he wanted to go for a look. We took him home. He had been with a family who couldnt cope with him. His nails were so long he couldnt walk right. Hes just a baby. He was called Max but as the salukis are a bit showy Paul decided to call him Pharaoh. I was a bit dubious about adopting him because of the problems I had with Aisha. I have never given up on a dog but Aisha came close as I didnt know what to do next.
Anyway he is a wee sweetie and coming out of his shell every day. Although they are pretty they are a lot harder work than a greyhound and not everyone would find them a good family pet especially a rescue one.
I now own 9 dogs and 1 foster dog. 4 at 10yrs old and 5yrs down to Pharaoh. He is next for dog training. Ill let you know how he goes.