I was at an aloe vera night after our dog training session. The lady came along to promote the aloe vera for use in both humans and animals. It was all very interesting but would it work.
We all received a small sachet of the stuff and I went home to see who I could experiment on. Legion has had a skin infection and kept licking it. We thought we would try it on him. I also have the plant and within 2 days the redness and itching had stopped and his hair is now coming back in. Amazing, I have the ladys details if anyone is interested in finding out more.
Think Ill slap some on Pauls head, see if his hair will grow back
Aloe vera gel really helped Sim's leg wound heal up too. When we first got him he had a collosal eruption of his whole inner thigh. As the open wound closed I applied the gel to the delicate, fragile, new skin and it really improved the texture and condition of the skin (which was previously very thin and flaky).
My vet recommended it having seen good results previously - I got the gel in my local health shop.