Im having no luck at the mo - had murf n mais out at their usual weekday evening walk in the Hermitage. Both get off the lead here for romping around the woods & through the river etc & love going there....They had had a good 1.5hr gallop about hunting out rabbits & chasing each other up steep hills & through the trees as per usual.
We were heading back to the car - the pair of them bolted up a seriously steep hill to chase squirrals through the trees...they were out of sight (which is never a prob as they both have 100% recall) - i caught a glimpse of them through a gap in the bushes chasing each other at full pelt....
10 seconds later & this almighty crashing of wood/branches was heard...Murphy screamed in a way that i have never ever heard b4. My heart stopped & all I could hear, apart from him crying his eyes out, was the blood pumping through my head - I bolted up this steep embankment crappling onto tree roots to haul myself up - i was on hands & knees at one point it was so steep - roots were coming away in my hands....I called out to him frantically - he was still screaming in pain...then Maisie appeared at the top - waited for me to reach her & then ran in the direction of Murphy...
then i saw him, limping out of the woods on 3 legs. He was holding his hind limb at a horrible angle. The blood drained from my face...****, I seriously though he had broken it badly. He was caked head to toe in mud so had clearly summersaulted a few times. Honestly, i almost burst into tears on the spot. I ran my hands all over him & nothing felt out of place but he wouldnt put his hind leg down at all. We were about 600 yards away from the park entrance & then another 200 yards to my car so put Maisies lead on & scooped Murphy up & carried him all the way. Dear god!!! 27kgs soon feels like 127kgs!!
I got to the car (purple, sweating madly & about to keel over myself) & put them both in. It was 6pm & my vets had just shut so I came home. As soon as i was in the door I got some Metacam & Arnica into him & slathered an analgesic gel I have all over his thigh.
He slept for about an hour & has just had his dinner with a treat of cooked liver. he can now weight bear with a limp, but i was just checking him over again & found a hole at the top of his thigh which has obviously been pierced with a twig!! Gawds - i can see the muscle layer below but it doesnt appear damaged in itself - on goes the vet wound powder as it looked debris free....Ill give it a proper clean later on once its not so nippy...
Poor wee soldier!! It gave us both such a fright! Im pretty sure nothing is broken - but he has a large haematoma on his inside thigh so hopefully the arnica will deal with that quickly enough & the metacam will take away any swelling & pain. Ill get the vets at college tomorrow to check him over but I can see a good few days of bad bruising ahead - & a ton of TLC from mum :)
Might take some Metacam myself - my hands are torn to shreds!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
OMG Suzanne, I felt as though I was there - they way you write certainly draws one into the picture! Anyway, I hope Murph recovers soon. There's nothing worse than hearing a dog in pain though.
Also as I was reading this, I thought about First Aid Kit specifically for dogs. Have you done a topic on this before (and I've forgotten)?
Oh Suzanne, I really feel for you. I have seen me shaking from head to toe when something happens one of the dogs.
I have also carried Eilidh home before and she's only 22kg. It amazes me how the adrenalin takes over..till you put them down again that is and you just about collapse.
poor murf...big licky kisses from dave and daisy. and poor suzanne, love from teresa and neil !
although i love to see the greys running around as they are supposed to, i can't help feeling that they have no fear of anything and are sure to run into trouble ! we can't let dave and daisy off the lead as 1) there is nowhere safe to do so, locally and 2) they don't understand the recall at all, despite many attempts at training.
i sincerely hope i never experience anything like that, suzanne, you must have had your heart on your mouth.
Oh dear Suzanne - poor Murphy and poor you. Thank goodness he wasn't more badly hurt.
Sim likes to run flat out in Balloch Country Park and my heart is in my mouth as he charges through long grass with no thought of what may be underneath (glass, a hole etc.). He corners wildly and if the grass is wet may skid on his bum. Today at lunch time he fell in long grass and returned to me with a big grass stain on his chest, but no damage fortunately.
When we reach a large area of cut grass though - Sim is magnificent to watch as he gallops round in a huge circle.
Running at that speed they do always seem to be just a hairs breadth from an accident.
I hope Murph's injury is not too bad, and that he will soon be back to his exuberant self.
Oh Suzanne - thank goodness Murph didn't do more damage to himself! Lita's right - the way you wrote made me feel as if I was there too! There's nothing worse than hearing your dog in pain - poor wee lamb. But what a good job you knew what to do and at least he's comfortable until you can get a vet to look at him.
I had to stop Vegas from racing through the woods. The near misses he's had....! But I won't go into that - there are too many hazards like fallen branches that are sharp and lying on the ground at odd angles, not to mention broken glass, stones and other debris hidden by the long grass. He now runs in the huge park and it's a lot safer in that respect. It's always thrilling to watch them have fun and let off steam, but quite a few times my heart's been in my mouth at some of the moves Vegas has made.
Hope Murph recovers soon. Let us know how he gets on at the vet. Give him a big hug from me and Vegas. And a big hug from both of us to you, too! Hope you've got a sizeable glass of wine to take the edge off your nerves!
Gawd alive - how horrible and terrifying! I hope the wee man is feeling better today. No doubt he'll bounce back a lot quicker that you will. Maybe give yourself a quick squirt of Rescue Remedy too.
Bad start as at 5.30am Murphy bolted from his bed (my bed truth be known ;) & ran into the lounge - 10 seconds later I heard that horrible wretching noise...between 5.30am & 8am as i left for college he has thrown up 6 times - all productive may I add so I was a little green around the gills myself for the drive in...
One of the vets checked him over head to tail for me & confirmed my thoughts in that he was just badly bruised. She believes the vomitting this morning was delayed shock!
He is feeling MUCH perkier now & back to running about so obviously the drugs are working!
Thankyou so much for all your concern. We had a very lucky escape I think!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Aww, poor Murphy, he must have quite a pathetic wee sight this morning with his puking. I'm very glad to hear that he's feeling better now. Here's to a speedy recovery back to full health.
Pearly sends him a snog (even though he once called her a c*w.....)
Poor Murphy, what a shame he must of been feeling so very sorry for himself. your body must ache a bit too carrying him all that way. Glad to hear he is on the mend, hope his mum is too.
Glad everything is OK with Murph and no real harm done to his leg apart from bad bruising. And delighted that he's almost back to his old self after all the chundering this morning. Poor Murph - he must have been wondering what was happening to him!
I'm sure it won't be long before he's back to normal and playing chases with Maisie!
Hope Murph is feeling better and his wounds are healing fine. You must have had a real shock! It gets the adrenalins coursing when you hear that squealing from pain.
Such 'scrapes' our our dog have. It's combination of speed, lack of protective fur and fine skin. I always worry about sharp branches and stumps sticking up in woods and even in gardens. but then we can't be too protective as the dogs love to run.
Trei crashed into a bush in Lesley's garden as the dogs were rushing about. Fortunately he just ended up with a foot long graze and a abrasion on his inner leg.
Perhaps we need 'kevlar' greyhound coats ( stuff used in military/ police protective clothes to stop bullets / knives) greyhound coats
greyflintstone wrote: There's a lot to be said for keeping them on a lead ...............
I best not mention that Pearly managed to partially yank out her dew claw involving load of blood, agony, angst and a trip to the vet whilst on a lead......
I best not mention that Pearly managed to partially yank out her dew claw involving load of blood, agony, angst and a trip to the vet whilst on a lead......
Aha, I've got the solution ............. lets stop taking the dogs out! Buy a treadmill and fasten them to that!!!!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Perhaps we need 'kevlar' greyhound coats ( stuff used in military/ police protective clothes to stop bullets / knives) greyhound coats
Hey Charles, Great minds think alike, I was thinking about 'making' this type of coat for Mac when I walk him in Beruit, ooooops mistake, I live in Parkhouse. Having been to Beruit, I think Mac is less likely to be attacked there, than here in sunny Parkhouse.!