GAL have been having a few difficulties (I guess you could say that) rehoming some of the big, black greyhounds that are needing homes.
Well, I've just been reading the GAS website and it says there that black dogs are not in fashion on the racetrack either just now. In fact, the current, favoured term for them is 'bin liners' because they are disposable!
I for one think that the black dogs look amazing especially after they have received the tlc they so deserve and start to look shiney and sleek. Daz on the dogs needing to be rehomed looks an absolute stunner.
thats weird Carol, we've seen a drastic reduction in the number of black dogs coming GAL's way recently, the flavour of the month seems to be either Blue or Black & White dogs....
Everyone I meet when out walking comment on how stunning a colour Murphy is & what a wonderful sheen he has - they are all duly shocked when I tell them that black GHs are the most difficult to home...totally crazy in my opinion as they truly are stunning when in prime condition (ie no brown kennel coat!! - that took mooooonths to get rid of! ;)
No other colour of GH shines quite like the black beauties!! Literally!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
I find this amazing that the Blacks are overlooked, I never saw a picture of Kaz before I got him and I had no idea what colour he was, to me that didn't matter, all I was interested in was the dog regardless of his colour. I did think that kaz was a lovely looking dog being mostly white with brindle on his head. Since taking on the Big Black Sleek Mac, I have realised just how beautiful the black ones are. His coat is absolutely fabulous and he is a stunner. His coat is so shiny that one day when the sun was beating down, a neighbour said "oh look at the sweat on Mac's back". (I didn't have the heart to tell her otherwise).
Funnily enough, when I had kaz, people who met him used to say "what a lovely dog", but when I take Mac out, everyone I meet says "what a stunning looking dog he is, with his BLACK shiny coat". So I guess anyone who doesn't consider a Black as their 1st option may be missing out on the best addition they will ever make to their family.
I would be more than happy to have another Black GH (female) this time of course!
Dawn, Big Black Mac, Big Black Denzel, Wee Black Presley and wee wee Black Aaron xxx
Have to say colour was never an issue for us at all. Gambol is dark brindle,Keera is that lovely golden brindle and then there's Jamie a big stunner of a BLACK boy!! He's absolutely gorgeous now that his coat is in tip top condition and I know what your neighbour means Dawn when they said Macs looked as if he was sweating..the shine off black dogs is truly amazing.
Tree , I totally agree how sad are people that choose their pooches by colour...
Colour was never an issue for us either - in fact I wanted a black dog because I knew they are hardest to home. Cat-tolerant was the most important thing!
Just thought I'd add my tuppence worth to the black dog thing. I had Cookie and Cleo out at Motor Mania in Grantown on Spey the other weekend (not ideal, the weather was too hot, but it was either that or leave Cookie at home - mayhem and destruction, and that's IN his crate!!!!). Cleo is (in my opinion) very pretty - white and black, Cookie (though I think he's really attractive, not being biased of course) is sleek and black......where he's got coat (too much sparring has left him with loads of bald patches and scars where the hair just doesn't grow back). He's the original scabby dug, if you see what I mean. Well, who do you think got all the attention??????? Cleo went home in a huff!!!!!!
Incidentally, they both behaved beautifully - a credit and good advert to the breed! I was so proud....!
PS Scooby stayed home cos he's not good in crowds, and Myrti stayed home cos she's old and we didn't know how she'd feel about lots of people!