My greyhound, Jess has started to chew and eat small twigs. Does anyone know if this signifies a deficiency? She's on Burns food, plus a herbal coat conditioner (sea kelp etc...) from Holistic Pets, so even Dr Gillian McKeith would be proud of her. I have now muzzled her in the park so she can't get at them. Not nice pooing splinters and I'm concerned she'll get splinters in her oesophagus.
Eilidh has always done this. Just as she chews everything else in sight, she will try to chew twigs and branches even when they're still attached to trees and bushes.
As I once had a dog who managed to pierce the back of his throat with a stick, like you, I discourage Eilidh from doing this. I have managed to get her to leave on command rather than having to muzzle her though. Maybe this would work for Jess too.
It never occurred to me that there might be a reason why she does this...I've always just put it down to her being a silly big puppy. I may be wrong and somebody might tell me off but if I were you, I don't really think I'd worry too much about it. Dogs like sticks.
If it's something that Jess has just started though, then it might be worth having a check at her teeth, just in case.
well done Laura - muzzling her is the best thing you can do to discourage her from chewing twigs...I squirm when I see folk letting their dogs chew twigs or even worse throwing sticks for their dogs...
I got to see 1st hand this week the consequences as I was working in the theatre at Glasgow Vet school - lovely spaniel came in - owner had thrown a stick for it & the way the dog caught it - it pierced the dogs went through emergency surgery & lived for about an hour afterwards.....
Apparently a very VERY common cause of death in dogs.....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Thank you for the advice. I am beginning to wonder if fox wee is on the twigs. Disgusting I know, but it's always in the same places. Jess has also discovered pencils so I am really hoping this is not the beginning of something. Must invest in a pencil case!