I've just ordered a couple of early Christmas pressies for our two - some lovely, fleecey indoor coats. Courtesy of the GAL webshop, of course. A red plaid one for Big Harry and a dinky black/white leopard print one for wee Pearly. Can't wait to get them!! Has anyone got any of these for their lot? If so, any piccies......? In fact, any piccies of any houndies in their jim-jams would brighten up this manky old day.
I bought a red plaid one for Woody who jumps up on the bed every night and waits for me to put it on, (him, not me). Keeps him warm all night and I must say, he looks extremely handsome and sophisticated in it. Unfortunately I haven't ventured into the digital camera age yet so can't post a piccy.
my three always wear their jim-jams to bed when the nights are cold. This week they've started wearing them again and it has stopped Eilidh climbing into bed with us at night for a heat.
When they come in from their last walk at night, they line up, get their jammies on, have supper and then they all toddle off to bed. They're so cute!
I really do think that it's something they appreciate.
Carol - piccies, piccies, piccies!!! Pretty purleeze.
Pearly has a fleecy coat that Steve's mum made for her and it keeps her nice and cosy. We need something for Harry and, of course, one can't get something new without the other!
Aww, they look absolutely gorgeous! Though I now feel guilty because Harry and Pearly don't yet wear anything at night. Is a multitude of blankets and fleece enough to keep them warm.....?
I've been wondering if Bill should perhaps be wearing a coat, when he's out walking in the evenings (other than his "I need a home one" - NOT because we're keeping him!)?
He's not showing signs of being cold but I've been certainly been wrapping up.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Mine have fleece lined rain coats - from GAL shop - and also fleece coats.
They don't need the fleece coats at night cos our house is pretty warm, but they wear them in the car - specially if they have been out and their rain coats are wet - off with rain coats and on with fleece coats. I would also put them on if it was specially cold. Suzie had hers on at Rachel and Eddies last weekend as it had suddenly turned cold.
when i read this posting i thought someone having a laff here but seeing those pics aw they look so cute id love those cosy pj`s for meself dont know if taylor would like them on her tho.no need for an indoor coat she sleeps near the radiator my house is nice n cosy during the day.
Lulu and Douglas both have the red plaid ones on at night now that it's getting cooler. I had to buy a new one for Douglas 'cause he grew out of his original one over the summer. I let them out at about 11.00pm each night and then it's on with the jammies and they settle down for the night. They do appreciate them as they can get quite cold overnight without them. I also use the fleece lined waterproof jackets with the snood when walking them in the rain or cold and they are good too. Contact Esther at the GAL shop and she will advise you on sizes, colours etc.
Aww the photos are lovely. Suggested getting pj's for Blue Phil's response was "for goodness sake he is a dog!" We do have a rain coat with snood and a thick winter coat for him when the weather is bad tho
anna wrote: can i ask u were u got that bed from please cant find one big enough for our taylor pic is cute
Yeah, that bed is fantastic! I think Pearly and Harry would love one. Each, that is, cos there's no way they'd snuggle up together like your two do. They don't 'do' touching if they can help it. More's the pity!
Re: the big bed. I bought two (30 pounds each) from a pet shop in Clarkston Road, Glasgow. I can't remember the name of the shop, but it is on the LHS heading out of Glasgow towards Clarkston. Its opposite and up a bit from the new flats built on the old Clarkston Motors site and not as far as the Safeway (Morrisons) where Muirend Cinema was.
I've also seen them in the Barras. There are two stalls selling them, but I'm not sure if they have the big ones.
Alan, Lulu and Douglas's Dad or am I Lulu's dad and Douglas's grandad?
The petshop still has the big beds, and also a solo greyhound sized bed at £25 (my two prefer not to cuddle either!). The middle comes out for washing so it'll go in the machine
I've not actually seen it yet as I'm still at work. I did pop out earlier to Ikea though and got two fleecy throws for the hounds as well. (they already have blankets but need a change for when they're in the wash). Just over a fiver for two.
don't they all look sweet in their jim-jams!! neil's response was much the same as phil's - mind you, our house is quite warm, even in winter so i doubt they'd need jarmies. they do have nice fleecy coats for walkies when the weather gets chilly tho.
thanx for that ill have a look shes using an old sleeping bag with a fleece throw over it coz she under the window its her birthday soon treat her to a new bed
Pearly's fleecey leopard-print indoor coat (just like Whistler's in his piccie) arrived yesterday - it's a fantastic fit and she looks as cute as cute can be, and then some! I'll post piccies soon.
Funny thing, though, was Harry's reaction. We put the coat on her and he seemed really confused. It was as if he couldn't recognise her - he kept standing over her and barking at her, then chasing her in the garden. It was definitely the coat that did it. How odd! Maybe he thought she wasn't a dog any more.
makes a note for Sanna Xmas pressie......oh the joy....sighs that time again....lol only we have extra to buy for now..yipee more shoppin giggles n wiggles... starts a list for Sanna ...
Dogs are not our whole life,but they make our lifes whole.........
I wonder if we all pester the living daylights out of Esther, that she may look into getting other designs of PJs in too & expand the range & choice.....???
ps - why doesnt the red plaid one have a plaid neck piece when the spotty one has a spotty neck??
also noticed when I ordered my 2 their winter raincoats (fleece lined) that the small size for Maisie had the waterproof neck but the medium size i got for Murf (just a dainty likkle boy) has a fleece neck?? how bizarre!! its drookit by the time we have finished our rainy walks & must feel horrid to pull over his head....why doesnt it also have a waterproof neck??
(sorry - having a moan...cr@ppy day.....fed up with this glasgow weather.....)
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Stop moaning suzanne, the first batch from the states was the waterproof neck and the 2nd batch was the fleece. I dont know what ill get in the 3rd lot but the fleece should be waterproof to a certain extent.
sorry Esther - I love you really - and love all the shop goodies (cant wait for the mugs to go on-line coz they are fabby too!).
My order for jim jams will be in shortly anyway ....you do a wonderful thankless job! Ill just mutter under my breathe about stupid Americans for the time being....
Im just a pain in the bum....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...