just had Sanna for over 2 wks n her personality just keeps getting bigger n bigger,she,s coming on a treat,just let her off the lead for the 1st time in local graveyard today n may i say wat a magnificent sight to see her run like the wind, was breathtaking never been to training but came wen i called her 1st time responds well to treats i reckon more hahah chico the puss n Sanna gettin on famously gettin closer n closer wen sleeping,bless couldn,t have asked for a better grey,life is grand n long may it continue.....
thanks to all xxx
mel n the crazy crew xxx
Dogs are not our whole life,but they make our lifes whole.........
Its great to hear Sannas coming on well. It does really give you a fuzzy feeling when you see them run for fun not for money and a crowd. Hope her strengths grow and grow and you be proud of her every minute of the way as she sounds a magnificent dog.
Hi Mel, thankfully everything went well with Sanna's first excursion off lead however just as a general thing GAL normally suggest a minimum time of 6 weeks 'on lead' walks for any new dog before they are let of lead, this is to get them used to their local surrounding and also allow time to develop a bond and good recall with it's new owner, obviously each dog and the area and circumstance can be taken into account but thats just our general advice anyway (for anyone that may be interested)...
mel, you're very lucky to be able to let sanna off the lead. we could never do that for dave and daisy - we'd never see them again !! they certainly don't respond to the recall and their chase-instinct is too strong, i couldn't bear to lose them now !!
I agree my two would be gone in a flash leaving me heartbroken!I am so paranoid that I double check their leads before I go out!
My older one, that I just lost, got freedom on a river bank which, was raised with a drop either side it felt safe for him and he loved it. He was a very special dog and seemed to know that it was dangerous to leave us. He had an accident when one of our fence panels blew down without us knowing and escaped. This event although terrible at the time totally changed him and made him more sensible towards staying with us. I must admit I would love to give these freedom but just dare not although they go mad in my garden.
I know how you feel the only time that we let Cas of the lead is in the paddock next to our house or on our local beach and just keep her busy playing until she is to tired to run away. There was one time Cas got out the door and just took off ,one hour and an exhausted me later she came back front paws cut and exhausted, I have never been so scared of losing her in my life. This is now the fifth year since we got her and I still am wary of letting her off
Sanna has since decided to chase the squirrels in graveyard now, she is bak on the lead till further notice....after trying to climb trees after there quick getawayand you were right Dave just for the record.....will only be let of lead in enclosed pen at bellahouston,...mind you i lost about 4lbs that night n voice very hoarse....lesson well learned.
mel n the crazy crew
Dogs are not our whole life,but they make our lifes whole.........
Now we know that Sanna and Chad are related I can't say I am surprised. Chad is full of instinct and stands alert at the sight of ahem...small dogs on the other side of the local park. Em x