Well we've had Bob about 8 weeks now, and since we got back from holiday about a week ago he's turned into a total rascal!
In the last week he has stolen 2 packets of crisps (emptying a rucksack to get one of them), stolen dog food twice (from different locations), eaten 2 books and one cover from a book, and regularly nicks a cushion off the sofa to rest his chin on - luckily he hasn't eaten that!
He seems to have lost his "butter wouldn't melt" look, and instead heads off to see what he can get up to as soon as my back is turned!
He's definately developing his personality, but he looks so cute when he's caught I can't be annoyed at him. Ruby just looks on as if she can't believe what he's been up to.
Part of the problem is probably he's not interested in any toys. He does get kongs to occupy him, but otherwise if there's not food involved he's not interested.
Oh well, I'm off to move the books out of his way!
It is quite endearing occasionally isn't it but most of the times it drives you up the wall when they terrorise any objects in their path .I know this and can only sympathise with you as I have a 5 month old puppy,Tara (Yes,I know I'm mad as I've already got 3 kids, a cat and a rabbit but anyway..) and I know what its like to have a kitchen that looks like world war 3 after I come home from work. It can be quite stressful and I can only hope that wee Tara grows out of it. Shes a wee angel apart from that and I couldn't ask for a better dog.
We just mainly try to keep everything out of the way when we are not there and give her plenty of toys to chew to keep her occupied.Though that might be a problem as your Bob doesn't seem to like toys.
Sorry if I haven't been much help but I'm in a similar situation to you Jan! I hope things get better I'm sure they will.
When I first got Douglas asnd Lulu, I had the same problems. Douglas was only 4 Months old and would pinch anything that wasn't nailed down. He managed to eat a 200 year old Burns book (First Edition), numerous DVDs and CDs, 3Chairs, the kitchen table, Lulu's leg, etc., etc.
He's settled down now and generally only eats his meals and any food we accidently leave within reach.
I'm sure Bob will settle down soon, but I don't think that GH's will ever get out of the habit of pinching food at the first oportunity.
Alan, Lulu and Douglas's Dad or am I Lulu's dad and Douglas's grandad?
I agree, they really are such dreadful thieves at times. All of mine (I have had 4) have stolen and had bad behaviour of one kind or another but you just have to get over the damage and carry on.
Rusty - Once ate four steaks from the kitchen work top. I found the wrappers in the bin .. my son then aged 2 had cleared up for him. I thought the meat had gone missing and spent ages looking for it before I worked out what had happened! He used to pounce at Adam's high chair to steal the baby rusk's from his hand.
Charlie - Once ate 17 (yes) 17 Easter eggs while I was out (I had two very fed up boys that I had to explain to where the eggs had gone to).He had a very, very poorly greyhound bum the next day!!! He was so adept at being Mr Bin Raiden that we had to try every kind of bin in order to try and find a dog proof one - We never did. The Kitchen bin was kept (very glamourous this) on the work top. He also completely wrecked our dining room once everything from door frames to skirting board and the carpet was chewed that day. The reason - I left him alone for a couple of hours. I had to get a crate after that and hated to put the lock on, but he did treat it as his bed after a few days and liked to be in there of his own accord anyway.His really bad deed came later, he managed to break his way through our fence and attacked next doors Mother-in Laws yorkie in their garden, that I had no idea was there. He nearly killed it and cost me an absolute fortune in vet bills( My husbands whole earnings for nearly one month!!!) He then escaped a second time when a fence panel blew down and got hit by a car. After this he was very well behaved and he never did anything bad for the last four years of his life.He occasionally caught a frog (and ate them yuck) and once a toad. This was disgusting and he looked like he had rabies - foaming at the mouth. Toads are poisonous.
He is the dog that we have been grieving so much over. We loved him through it all!
Tiger - I can honestly say has been a lamb and not set a paw wrong. He once took a plastic box which had muffins in it. I later saw the container and didn't even twig that he had eaten the muffins until my 13 year old called me a pig. It all fell neatly into place at this point. He also broke his tail - by wagging it so much near the wall!
Chad - Another Charlie (God help me) but not as extreme. So far he has nearly caught the cat that Tig has tried to chase for ages, seen next doors rabbits that had gone unoticed by Tig and attempted to bite a labrador in the face (ok it wouldn't leave him alone and was off the lead). Yesturday, I finally harvested all my sweet corn cobs and bought them home to blanch. I have been fending him off ever since. He keeps running off with them.Must go and get them done....
they're buggers aint they !! but dontcha just love !em !!!!!! fortunately, fingers crossed, and touch wood, we've had no real problems with dave or daisy.
Bob sounds so much like Blue when we first got him. My daugters farm yard animals were a favorite and we woulf constantly find mangled bits of plastic that had been a sheep/cow in a previous life spat out around the room. Cardboard boxes and books were also rather tempting to him.
He was 5 when we got him so wasn't the normal puppy chewing thing. Like Bob toys did not interest him.
It took about 6 mths for him to calm down I think it was just a security or nervous thing. (either that or completely food obsessed and had to try everything to see how it tasted.
Now 18 mths on he will let his guard down and play. An absouloute pleasure to see him pounce on things with his bum in the air. Even if it is usually my daughters shoes and accompanied by a "no Blue get off the Evie's shoes" shreaked from my 2 year old.
I'm sure when Bob settles in and confidence grows he will start to play just as Blue did. He sounds lovely and I can't wait to meet him.
It's wonderful that Blue is relaxing and allowing his true self to come through. And getting up to all the mischief he can think of. It's a pity that so many greyhounds and lurchers don't seem to know how to play with toys, mainly to do with their upbringing, I suppose. But he might learn through time. Vegas is 8 and has just started to chase a ball, but he doesn't bring it back yet.
Looking forward to meeting you and Ruby with Blue sometime soon. He sounds a lovely boy!
It is good to see him gain confidence. Although he won't play with us, he occasionally runs about with Ruby. When he's in the dog area at the park he tries to get other dogs to run up and down the hill on the other side of the fence! It's as if he feels safe that they're seperated but he can still see and play with them!
I'm sure the day will come when he's confident and playfull as he definately wants to join in!
Skipper won't play yet either Jan. He will now sometimes chase Sim in the garden, but if Suzie joins in and barks at him (playfully, tail wagging) he gets all confused and doesn't know what to do. I guess they will sort out their play rules in time.
Skipper sometimes steals the cats' bed from the top of the boiler! He knows he is not allowed to, and rushes off furtively with it to his bed. It would be very funny if I didn't suspect a sinister motive (i.e. substitute for cat).
Lesley wrote: Skipper sometimes steals the cats' bed from the top of the boiler! He knows he is not allowed to, and rushes off furtively with it to his bed. It would be very funny if I didn't suspect a sinister motive (i.e. substitute for cat).
That is sooo funny! I wonder if they just like a soft thing to cuddle though? Bob takes a cushion to bed. I could get him a bigger toy to cuddle, but I know Ruby would take it off him at the first chance (she knows not to touch the cushions!)
It's good to hear Skipper is well enough to be a rascal after all he's been through!