The fireworks have started and Whoopie is a quivering wreck. Other than useing DAP and covering her with her blanket has anybody got any suggestions as how to calm her.
As much as I love Whoopie I really can't have 30k of greyhound laying on my lap every evening for the next few weeks.
I have read all sorts of articles on loads of websites but it seems as Whoopie gets older (she is now 9 years old) she gets worse, and is now refusing to eat her afternoon meal in the garden (she has always wanted to eat outside).
There is no way on earth I will get her to go out in the garden after dark until about the middle of Febuary, it costs me a small fortune in floor cleaner as she will pee on the kitchen floor. It's not her fault and I do my best to comfort her
Vegas suffers badly from the sound of fireworks too! He quakes so much his teeth rattle! But (and I know this is difficult) try to ignore Whoopie when she becomes frightened - don't sympathise with her or baby her, because then she'll think it's OK to be afraid. Try to act normally. At the same time, shut all the windows and turn music, TV or radio on quite loud. It won't drown out the loudest fireworks, but it'll help cut down the noise from some of them. It'll also help if Whoopie has somewhere to go where she feels safe.
There's another thread on the forum about the same thing - and they are using Rescue Remedy from the chemist to help their dog. I haven't tried it with Vegas yet, but it's certainly worth having a go to see if it helps Whoopie. I'll be buying some this week for Vegas.
Thank goodness fireworks have been restricted and the season is short. In previous years we had fireworks from early September through to the New Year! Good luck, Chris. Hope things aren't too bad for Whoopie this year.
I used Rescue Remedy with one of my lurchers whenever we had to go to the vet as she was petrified and it did calm her down - not completely but definitely helped. So it is worth a try, I will be trying it with Zada this year because we did notice when the tattoo fireworks went off this year she was very nervous.
well its that time of year were we r scraping our poor pets off the ceiling by these fireworks going off, i supose these shop keepers dont care that pets r used a target or that they r even scared witless, as long as they r making their profit any idiots r having their fun.hopefully it will be all over soon and our poor dogs can get some peace.
Snap my older greyhound hates fireworks - one bang outside and she is a quivering wreck. This last for 10 - 15 mins if there are no further bangs. She does not react so to such an extent outside. Think because she can see more and see's there is no imediate threat.
Be very careful though as some hounds can bolt, if they get a fright from a firework and dash off, in a mad panic.
I too use a DAP Spray and diffuser. They do seem to calm things a bit.
I keep the spray handy at this time of year.
Word of warning about old DAP diffuser bottles. I took a half used bottle out of cupboard and fittted it in electric socket part and then plugged it in. Fortunately i was not going out . 10 mins later their was a strong smell of burning - the socket adaptor was very hot.
It seem the liquid was not seeping up the wick. So things were overheating. Don't think it would catch fire but does create terrible burning smell
I have used a Firework Aversion Therapy CD but Snap just stares at the loud speakers but does not react. She seems to be thinking thats Charles playing more weird music - However if she see a hears and sees a whooshing firwork on tv she gets anxious. Don't think you can buy a Firework DVD. Mind you anyone with a video camera could make one quite easily. Might be worth a try.
I wish I had an answer to this problem. You would think if firework manufacturers and shopkeepers saw the blind panic dogs get into they would surely turn their attentions elsewhere. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case.
I dread this time of year! Doubley so this year because as well as having one dog who has to be heavily sedated to stop him injuring himself ( he tries to dig through the concrete in the kennel and doesn't stop, so if I'm not there to take control of the situation you can only imagine what state his paws end up in! ) but also, I have just had another dog diagnosed with a brain tumour and is hypersensitive to noise because of her condition. It means she will have to take even more medication on top of what she has already been prescribed and have to endure unneccessary stress in the short time she has left all because of these damn fireworks.
Yep my 4 r petrified and I mean PETRIFIED of the bloody things. There should be a ban on them any time before or after the 5th of November if not Completely. Hundreds of poor animals get lost, injured and even killed due to these contraptions and I hate them so much.
Sarah,Mark n Gang( who are currently hiding behined the sofa!)
Julie, sorry to hear one of your dog's has just been diagnosed with a brain tumour. That must be tough going - and you say 'another' dog!! You could certainly do without the added stress of these damned fireworks
Goodness Sarah, I find it bad enough having one dog petrified - never mind 4!
We will be prepared for the 'big night - Nov 5th' as I've written in another thread. We have a large almost walk-in cupboard in the kitchen, which we will totally empty and put a duvet & radio inside and leave the door open. This is the safe refuge for Tyler. We did this out of desparation last year as it was obvious that she was seeking a place to hide, the computer desk was one of the places she tried to get into!!
Afraid the DAP diffuser didn't work for Tyler.
For the build up nights we use a duvet for her to hide under and the Bach Rescue Remedy drops but of course we can't predict when fireworks are going to go off!
I have been recommended tablets from a large pet store (Pets at home) - called Serene-UM, they claim to be a 'natural supplement' and the packet states they are recommended by vets. I think we will be trying them on the 5th. I know sedatives can be got from vets but I do have reservations about using that type of medication. The vet I was using last year said they recommend 'Night Nurse' (yes the stuff we take for colds), but they did say they would have to calculate the recommended dose for the dog - mmmm - I wasn't sure about that one either!!
Hi Folks, this really is a crappy time of year for dog owners. Couple of bits of advice, firstly on the new firework legislation.
1. Fireworks will only be on sale this year between 15th October and 10th November so the noisy period should be shorter than usual.
2. It is now illegal to let off fireworks between the hours of 11pm - 7am (this changes to between midnight and 7am for the 5th of November only) If you hear fireworks going off within these times CALL THE POLICE
3. It is now illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to let of or be in possession of fireworks. If you see anyone under that age with fireworks CALL THE POLICE
The more reports of this nature to the police the more ammunition people will have to get fireworks banned for good.
Right, some help for the dogs, I've attached 3 help sheets, hopefully they will help you all. One of the sheets talks about using a Noise Phobia CD, these can be gotten FREE OF CHARGE from GAL.
Whoopie has now started shaking in her antisipation that there are going to be bangs outside, this is before it gets dark normally around 4.30pm. Tucking her blanket around her does seem to help, she does like to be near to me I can't go to the loo or have a bath without Whoopie following me I don't have a problem with this, but at the end of the day I like to relax which is not easy when 30k of greyhound feels safer laying on my lap.
I wonder how many people would feel the same about fireworks if their children got as scared as our pets.
I said I would keep you all updated on Whoopie and the fireworks. Dave sent me 1 of the noise phobia cd's and I have made an appointment for her with Gary my vet on Monday Whoopie seems to be getting worse by the day.
I will let you all know what happens when I've seen the vet.
well, the fireworks have started down here tonite. daisy seemed ok but dave was most definitely not ok.
he couldn't wait to get home from his walk and spent the rest of the evening shaking and panting cos he could still hear the bangs from outside. he didn't want his dinner either. he's finally quietened down now but, if this carries on, he's gonna be all skin & bone by November 5th.
will try him on rescue remedy and see how that goes.
Julie, my problems are nothing compared to yours........i hope it's not too bad for you and the dogs but i guess i'm hoping for miracles. hugs (kisses & licks to the dogs) to you, anyway.
I feel so sorry for you and poor Whoopie. I know what it can be like with a dog who is terrified. Charlie used to hate the fireworks and spent the whole time paceing and crying.I tried everything to no avail. Eventually I took him away if I thought it would be bad here. My parents live away from everything in the countryside.
The fireworks started here tonight, Tiger is always fine, Chad is taking notice but not getting up or anything so fingers crossed! After the woofing i thought he might woof at the fireworks too. Thankfully not ...yet.
Our Zada has really settled down well after using the Noise Therapy CD and also with us not acting any differently when they go off. When they start sometimes she will look like she is going to get up, takes one look at us and settles back down. When the fireworks first started going off she would dart to the opposite side of the room in complete panic.
I don't know if I have left the noise therapy cd to late but it seems to make Whoopie worse. Anyway I am off to the vet with Whoopie in the morning and hopefully he will give me some mild sedatives, but I will keep everyone posted
I didn't get the tape till last week, but as we know all too well our dogs are different. I am just hoping for poor Whoopie that she will be able to get something to calm her down, even a little bit.
just to let everyone know that I have taken Whoopie to the vet regarding her fear of fireworks. She has been given anxiety drops which I have to put on her tongue twice a day, Also she has got diazepan 2 to be given with her afternoon meal and we are also to continue with dap. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it helps.
Just to let you all know that at last Whoopie has had a peaceful evening. What the vet prescribed relaxed her so much she slept through most of the fireworks. Fingers crossed she will be ok this coming weekend.
So pleased to hear that Whoopie is sleeping through them. Let's hope you get her through the weekend ok.
Thinking of all the poor greys suffering at the moment, it is actually strange to not have one crying and paceing. I have been listening and feeling anxious instead because I am expecting my two to suddenly decide they don't like it! The display near us has been cancelled - am so pleased!
Chrissy, was Whoopie all dopey or was she ok on what the vet gave her? i didn't want to sedate dave but if it doesn't make him all woozy it wouldn't be so bad. what did your vet prescribe?
First of all I want to thank you all for your kind thoughts and words of support.
Whoopie is now like a different dog she is so relaxed and so far has slept through th fireworks, except when they are very close when she opens her eyes, pricks her ears and starts panting.
The medication she is on hasn't made her woozy at all it's like she is just chilled out but I have to say we still put her blanket over her mainly because she like it.
I'm just hoping she stays relaxed over this weekend.