I want to share with you all what happened to me today while walking my dogs. Usually I get nice comments or cars stopping to ask for directions, even can you rehome ma dug hen. Today takes the biscuit. White van stopped at side of the road, I thought hes lost, he being of Pakistan origin, asked where he could get a racing dog. I asked him is it for a pet because these are all rescue dogs. No he replied I want to take it over to Pakistan and race it.
Well I replied. I do know where you can get one but if you think im going to f...... tell you you piece of s... then your not on. It just gave me a kick up the butt to remind me why I dedicate so much time to these dogs.
He just looked at this mad scottish woman and drove off like the wind. I hope he never finds one. Fill in the dots yourselves
I had some stupid woman with a puppy yes a tiny puppy off the lead today. I held my two back and waited for her to get into the distance before continuing the walk. I then carried on (both dogs on leads) then she turned round and started walking towards us. I crossed the field so as to be far away from her. You've guessed it the puppy came running over to us. Tiger slipped the collar and I just managed to grab the edge of the house collar (left on for just such situations). The woman stood (chatting to a man with an alsation) on the other side of the field calling the puppy. She made absolutely no effort to come and get it. I was furious too.
I have now been trying to establish the law re dogs off leads. I am so fed up with other people letting their annoying dogs come over to us!
As for people (probably with zero experience of greyhounds) expecting to get one to send overseas - to race. It beggers belief doesn't it. I hope he is too scared to ask anyone else!!:
Keep smiling don't let them get you down Em, Tig escape artist and Chad xxx
if I've got time I often log into the forum from my office as a 'guest' just to see whats been written during the day, when I tried to access this earlier I got a nasty warning message from the virus type software saying the page contained profanities and the like and I was barred from accessing it...apparently it CAN interpret the dots, aint computers clever..
We've had 2 applications in the last 18 months from people wanting to adopt dogs from us to then 'take home to Pakistan as a much loved pet'...needless to say they didn't get a dog, where Spain seems to be the dumping ground for most Irish and English racers Pakistan is becoming a bit of a dumping ground for ex-racers from the states, no offence meant to the country as a whole but i hate to think what happens to them over there...
BLATANT ADVERTISING NOW - Em, GAL recently got in Greyhound 'slip' collars, guaranteed Greyhound escape proof even with small puppies running round, check out the shop at http://shop.gal.org.uk/
Here's what DEFRA say about responsible dog ownership -
basically your dog must be 'kept under control at all times'....suitable vague and a point easily argued i.e. yes your honour my puppy was miles away annoying 2 greyhounds but she was perfectly under control and I could have called her back anytime I wanted to, I thought she was just playing..blah blah...
Good for you, Esther! Let's hope he decides against the whole idea now.
But sadly if he's determined, he'll find someone unscrupulous enough who'll sell him a dog to take to Pakistan for racing! And like Dave says, I shudder to think what happens to them over there.
But I would love to have seen the man's face when your tongue ripped into him. Exit one white van driver with tail between his legs!
It is so upsetting to think, that there is now this large demand for dogs to race in other countries. GAL are doing all in there power to save as many as they possibly can and this is an added factor to what they are up against.
I also think the programme that was on the other week about the final Waterloo Cup did nothing to show the point why all this dog racing and coursing should be stopped. It only seemed to Glamorize the whole thing.
P.S. Esther oh how I wish you had given him a swift kick.
note to self...dont mess with esther dont get into a dark alleyway wiv her on a dark night.
i heard that they dont allow greyhound racing in canada was talking to a fella a whhile back and its banned over there as they dont like the treatment they recieve at the hand of trainers and owners if u have one u must only have it as a pet dont know if its true but i was told that.
well done esther......next time, give him a real kick from me too !
isn't it amazing, when you really think about dogs and owners, never mind the breed - there's no guarantee that any dog is completely safe all the time. those owners that let their dogs off the lead should, perhaps, be subjected to a video of what could happen. maybe they would think twice and control their little poppets!
i'm very aware of the problem, not just with greys, but one of my previous dogs suffered from fearful agression and would attack another dog without warning. this taught me to be extremely cautious, a lesson i am eternally grateful for now that i have greyhounds.
it's about time more "natural justice" was meted out too - subject the ill-treaters to exactly the same conditions they have put their dogs into. mind you, i guess you'd need brains to work out the correlation between crime and punishment !!!