Mallaig and Flynn are driving me mad!! Mallaig is annoying Flynn by biting his toes, face, jumping on him barking, growling, in return Flynn is stealing Mallaigs cuddly toy and won't give it back, making her chase him around the living room! I thought I'd missed out on the sibling fighting by only having one child! Guess I was wrong........
I think that is really cute... mind you I can say that seeing as I only have one dog! I do have 5 kids though and its amazing how mad they can drive you!!
Mine are a nightmare too! My baby (James) is one and he has discovered the reaction he can get when he slaps your face! It really hurts and he loves to see me cry! Saffron is a sweetie and she loves me without violence. Its a beautiful thing! x
give me dogs any day ! at least they're quieter than kids !
dave seems to be the bully here but only occasionally. he chases daisy cos he wants to play but she doesn't. she finds a nice space on the sofa and looks at me as if to say "when will he grow up?". so, dave woofs in her face but still gets no reaction. he eventually gives up !
With two 4 year old girls, the sibling rivalry is unbelievable at times, but I must admit worst enemies best of friends.
Then with Saska and Zada, they enjoy a really good run and boxing match in the garden, but Saska wants to play likes this constantly and Zada (my grey) wants to be her usual lazy self and she puts up with Saska, barking, jumping near her face, bopping her and in general just being a pest, and Zada just puts up with it.
So in our house, between my human girls and my doggie girls, our household is lively and action packed and Wonderful.
I'm a teacher and I can definitely say, hand on heart, that kids are much worse than dogs.
Some days I can't wait to get out the door and get home to my dogs. At least they can play together without knocking ten bells out of one another and the best thing is that they can't (and probably wouldn't even if they could) tell you to F* Off.
Our two are pretty good together, largely due to Pearly not wanting to play with Harry at all so he doesn't bother. The only thing that sets them off is when Pearly barks at us, when Harry will start up barking and barking right at her as if he's telling her off for being cheeky to us. And he'll also barge her out of the way if she's having a cuddle, cos he wants in there too. Poor little neglected never-cuddled Harry! (yeah, right!)
Carol wrote: (and probably wouldn't even if they could) tell you to F* Off. C
Hmm Blue would if he could... Being pregnant and rather uncomfortable during the night I have come down stairs, on more than one occasion, during the wee hours. Blue opens 1 eye, grumps then turns around in his bed so his back is facing me before going back to sleep. Not impressed.
Our house is mental...4 girls all at each others with raging hormones as she's just hit 13!!!...and 3 dogs. Gambol and Keera frequently have a mock fight whilst Jamie barks the accompaniment!! It's mental but I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's gone quiet here - the 3 dogs were haveing a game with a rope toy - a 3 way tug of war. Trei joins in much more these days - it's taken him a long time to enjoy play. Tink the youngest 9just over one managed to get everyone playing. Can have all 5 jumping about at times - My flat if very dog proof now - not much to knock over