hello there,this is my first post so please be gentle!! my wonderful sister denise(who some of you may know) has once again pulled at my heart strings and i now find myself with my third dog,but shes a bitch,all we know is that shes a lurcher about 12 years old and is going to live out the remainder of her life in front of the fire ahhh. the trouble is she has come into season and as im used to dogs my knowledge is limited. for the last 2 weeks starting around 2am every morning she stands at the bottom of my stairs whinging and wailing,even when i get up she carries on until i take her out,
1,is this normal for a bitch in season?
2,how long does this carry on
3,will my sister ever forget my phone number(hopefully)?
If my memory serves me correctly, a bitch's season lasts for 3 weeks.
They are particularly susceptable to falling pregnant from the fifth day of bleeding right to the end of the season.
From past experience I can also say that it is not unusual for bitches to go slightly bonkers during their season, especially towards the middle of their time. Your bitch needing out is probably her wanting to go on the prowl and find a suitable mate.
As she comes towards the end of her season she will start to calm down again, I would have thought.
We had GSD bitches when I was growing up and I can remember one of them in particular had a personality transplant almost during her season but she always calmed down again at the end.
Hi Clare, I guess just to add to what Carol says, she is correct, some bitches go 'bonkers' when they are in season and some don't, fraid you've got the bonkers one. Nowt much you can do to be honest apart from take a stiff drink and wait for it all to be over which if she's been in season for the last 2 weeks shouldn't be too long..