Jamie goes bananas!! He jumps up and down - usually with a full twist thrown in - and then thumps his front legs in front of you whilst thrusting his bottom as far into the air as possible!! All this for a stroke under the chin !
Gambol just backs himself into you so that he's sitting on your knee,and this is when he wants a hind leg massage!
Keera on the other hand talks to you..that kind of growly,howly talk! We actually hold fairly long conversations with her..haven't a clue what it means in doggy talk but hey she gets the attention she wants!!
My 4 dogs have completely different attention seeking antics.
Cara growls and paws you until you tickle her under the chin, Millie leans into you until you nearly fall over and can't ignore her any longer. Kirk has a more subtle approach and nuzzles the side of your neck or shoves his head under your arm.
and then there's Misty who runs around like a maniac jumping over everything barking, growling, chasing her tail etc etc, no choice but to pay attention to her!!!
well, daisy howls. it's ear-splitting and makes me jump every time! dave waits patiently for his cuddles but taps gently with his front paw when you stop.
Suzie likes to come and stuff her head under your arm or press it onto your lap. Skipper (still muzzled at the moment) bangs you with his muzzle. Sim is a bit more subtle - he just looks at you sideways as if you had really hurt his feelings!
our hounds are all a bit like Lesley's Suzie - they will all quietly walk up and settle their head on my leg, lap or arm, if that doesn't work they start giving a little nudge, gently at first then with a bit more force if they are still ignored and then when I finally look at them you get the 'eyes'..they are irresistable..
Cas is a bit a bit more risky ,she tends to push her muzzle into your crotch,gets my husbands attention every time. Sasha just talks with things that sound like mumalum and nowww.
Eilidh lies and growls at you. If you do nothing the growls get louder and she adds little short barks. If you still do nothing the tail starts to swish like a whip then she jumps up, does a 360 runs away at top speed, hurtles back again, jumps on top of you and nibbles you nose.
Luca stands in front of you and talks to you but to be honest, the only time he does this is if he wants his dinner. He's a bit feline in his ways and only likes you if he's sfter something.
Whistler comes up and puts his head on your lap. His favourite time to do this is, believe it or not, when you are on the loo. I think he knows that he has a captive audience then!
If Casper is lying on the rug he will try to bat my legs with his paws as I go past, but if I am sitting on the couch he will come up and perch his bum on the couch beside me, so his legs are still on the ground but his bum is perched on the edge. Then he turns his head to look at me as if to say 'cuddle me'. How can I resist!?
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Tig just noses you all over until you give in, gently at first then rougher, you just have to pay attention.If you are standing up he will lean his full weight on you , If you moved he would fall over.
Chad is a lot more of an attention seeker he has several ways of attracting attention woofing, licking (even your bare feet while you are walking - yuck) and if all else fails jumping up at you.
Harry stands quietly in front of us waiting for a cuddle. If that doesn't work, he'll put his paw on our laps. If that doesn't work, the other paw goes on and he's standing on our thighs. If that doesn't work (which is rare!), he'll get off and lie down very patiently beside our feet and wait for that tummy-tickle that he knows will happen eventually.
Pearly just comes over and kisses us with her tail wagging and her little-mouse face looking gorgeous.