We've had Bill now for about a month and the poor fella has had been troubling his and our noses with his wicked wind!!! I was wondering if any of you are experiencing similar problems and if so how have you dealt with it. He is currently being fed Chappie dried food Chicken flavour, this is what he was feed in his foster home so we carried it on to help him settle. Can any of you recomend a good nutrious food that will help him and our noses?
Oh poor Bill and poor you, my elderly GH had this problem and you couldnt strike a match in my house in case the place blew up!!
There is a good posting in this section called Greyhound Grub. I think most of us are feeding our guys on the dry food like Arden Grange or Burns, which seem to suit most of the GH's and I feed by GH on James Wellbeloved dried food. Its great for their coats too.
Its worth giving it a try or else all I can suggest is more air fresheners!
Poor you! I think all of us on here can sympathise with you and Bill. Blue was terrible when we first got him. I think a lot of it was to do with stress and he did improve after 2 or 3 months but we found out that anything with chicken in would give him a chronic smelly bottom!
After switching to arden grange lamb and rice the improvement was amazing the pick -up -ability of things (V. sorry ) improved as did the unpleasant smell.
Also if you are giving any treats anything made by pedigree chum has a terrible effect on Blue and I have heard similar things from other grey owners.
Its still early days with Bill as you have only had him a short time. It takes time for the dogs to settle into a new home. Nervousness can and usually causes the smelly wind.
Greyhounds are windy at the best of times but more so when they are a little bit upset with a move to a new environment or have an upset stomach.
A change in food can upset a greyhound tummy so you could try a little Pro biotic yoghurt on his dinner but usually only time will sort out the wind. Its best not to keep swapping the dinners. Try and stick to one brand for now but steer clear of Pedigree brands and try and keep clear of chicken based foods also. I've found that lamb & rice and beef based foods are far easier on the greys tums - you also get better results in the back garden !! If you do change his food then it could take about 4 weeks for his tummy to settle from the change.
I feed my greys on Purina Beta Greyhound (£11.99 Pets at home - far cheaper than Arden Grange and James Wellbeloved) and have no smelly wind and the pickups are fine too. Oh and the pooches have lovely glossy coats.
Just to back up what everyone has said about the wind most likely being a symptom of stress whilst Bill settles down. We had to keep the windows wide open pretty much 24/7 for the first month or so when we got Harry as both he and Pearly were f@rting for Scotland!
As Katrina says, natural yoghurt helps to settle the tummy. Also, a charcoal Bonio a couple of times per week can help too.
Lastly, keep your fingers crossed that Santa brings you loads of lovely scented candles this year!!!
I agree natural yoghurt works a treat with Cas, and just five minutes ago she cleared the living room with the pong, so sounds like she needs some now.