tsk tsk Fiona, you naughty girl. Love the photo though.
And Suzanne, its well seeing you've figured out how to work the digital camera and how to post your pics, there is just no stopping you know - competition and all. what about poor souls like me who know how to work my digital camera very well just can't post my pics, but then again I am sure i wouldnt have a chance living in town, everywhere else will definitely get the snow before me (thinking out loud *unless on Thursday night, I drive away somewhere thats going to snow and wait for the photo opportunity*....... ok maybe not that would be taking things to the extreme....... I will just wait and enjoy seeing everyone elses photos. Good clicking
Great action photo of Pearly, Fiona - even though you're cheating!
Cumbernauld moves around the country looking for the biggest cloud to sit under - so we're bound to get a huge fall of snow! But as I don't have a digital camera yet, I'll have to take photos and scan them in at work, bring them home on CD and load them onto the computer. So someone is bound to get their photos on before me! I'm looking forward to seeing them all anyway.
It's fairly heavy here in Edinburgh too. My office looks onto the gardens of Heriots school and it's absolutely beautiful out there. Until I need to go out in it, of course, in which case it will be sh!te cos I hate walking in the snow.
Katrina - I wonder if you live near one of my friends? The houses and outlook across the fields at the back seem very similar. I'm nosey, so will PM you!
Maisies 1st outing in the snow - im not sure she has seen snow b4 as we had 10 mins of her hopping about coz her tootsies were so cold....then I threw her a snowball & the fun really started!! It was a pure delight to see her realise that this cold stuff was great fun!
Pity about the blooming time delay on the camera - but this is as close as I got to catching her leaping the 6ft straight up in the air to catch the snowballs! Think the piccie, despite its poor quality, says it all !!
and here is Murf having a good head rub!!! *Brrrrrr*
MUCH fun had by all !!
-- Edited by Suzanne at 21:19, 2005-11-25
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
bloomin snow!! I feel the need to rant a wee bit....Left work in Edinburgh at 3pm, no snow in the city after this mornings flurries turned to rain. Got to the outskirts of Edinburgh and it was like a different world!....cut long boring story short arrived Lanark (33 miles) at 6:15pm..grrr..was due in Glasgow to set up for the Xmas show at 7pm so jumped in van (already packed - see me, see organised) Left driveway 6:25, arrived top of the very short but extremely steep country track at my house 7:35...grrrrrrr....suffice to say never made it to Glasgow, Van now abandoned at top of the wee road so I have a fair chance of reaching Glasgow tomorrow, and bang goes the long lie too as half the stuff required for setup is in the back of my van so I need to arrive extra early to sort it all out!!.......anyways now of to bath Ivor so he looks clean for his wee display tomorrow, wish me luck...
Fingers crossed the snow stays away. It has all frozen over my way, very slippy on foot but the roads seem ok.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, I just hope I find it ok. I have no idea where hampden is let alone Langside College! Will hopefully meet some of you & your lurchers tomorrow (if I find it!)
Drive carefully everyone!
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
I feel bad about slagging off Ivor, he's the best dog in the world at bathtime, if we had a class for 'easiest bathed' we'd win it hands down, the poor lad surpassed himself just there by falling asleep in the bath!...
Brilliant shot of Caspar. It looks like that moment just before all hell breaks loose and he starts looping around the garden with the back legs faster than the front and a big grin on his face. Or maybe that's just our lot....
No snow to speak of here so far while both A: the dogs were outside and B: I was vertical enough to use a camera but Jade tells me it was quite snowy while she was mucking out her horse. Sadly it had turned to sleet by the time I dragged myself up!