I caught myself saying the most ridiculous thing to Murphy today & it made me wonder about (A) my sanity, (B) what on earth other folk would think if they heard me & (C) what weird & wonderful things you lot have said 'out loud' to your pooches only to have a moment of clarity & think - "what the hell am I doing??"
Heres mine :
Walking the dogs at lunchtime, Murf was high as kite for some reason & chasing Maisie all over the place but then grabbing her by her coat...
I sternly said: "you'd better not rip her coat mate or its coming out your pocketmoney!"
Think i need help......
OK - its your turns to confess...(pleeeeze! - i cant be going insane all on my own!)
-- Edited by Suzanne at 12:54, 2005-11-25
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
hmmmm, i must be as mad as suzanne. if often refer to dave and daisy's pocket money. they saved up for weeks to buy daddy his birthday card earlier this month.
i always chat to them when i'm walking them, specially if neil isn't around and it's just me walking. anyone hearing me would think i'm totally nuts, chuntering away about the little dogs ahead, what we are all having for dinner etc etc
All my neighbours think I'm crazy!!!!!!, but I have 3 Gh's and a cat in tow.
The main problem I have with 'talking to the dogs' happens at 6am when I say "where is Denzel" and they wait for Denzel to catch up with us. The main problem happens when I say "come on Denzel hurry up and do the toilet" and he comes over and poo's beside the dogs.
Should I poop scoop for the cat, or walk on and ignore what the cat has done that is the question!! For those without cats...............cats dont like to be seen doing the toilet!!!
I always thought that cats are meticulous about burying their own poo and they're much better at it than dogs, with their haphazard scraping clods of earth backwards. But then again, Denzel is a much enlightened cat - I believe he actually thinks he's a greyhound!
Denzel is a much enlightened cat - I believe he actually thinks he's a greyhound! Christine
Christine, you have it in one! Denzel def thinks he is a Greyhound! Thats why he loves them so much........ Sadly when he poos beside his beloved Mac, he doesnt clear up after himself!! Not that its my fav subject, but..... it is amazing to see this happening..
Only trouble is......Mac now thinks he is a cat!!!