I was out yesturday doing the normal walk along the river bank when suddenly Chad's front end is on the ground and he is rubbing the side of his neck in something disgusting (this time poo I think). Arrived home and had to wash coat, collar and Chad yucky beast.
This is the second time he has done this. The first time was approx 6 weeks ago on the day we got him. He did exactly the same thing and got exactly the same part of his neck! I have no idea what he rolled in that time but we could smell it after washing his neck twice - he ended up in the bath for a proper wash that time. I stupidly thought I had cured him until now!!!
I wonder if it is some kind of ritual to mask his own smell? If anyone knows I would be interested to hear why he does it. Will be keeping a very close eye on him again along with stopping him going in the long grass in order to eat it and vomit later, or end up with grass half in and half out when he does a poo! Have you any idea why we are so attracted to animals with such awful habits? Em x
I have always been led to believe it is a natural instinct to mask their own smell so easier to hunt. If anyone knows differently i would be keen to know too. Zada and Saska don't do it just now. Saska i think has done it once or twice in the past. and no doubt both of them will probably do it in the future - as most of my past dogs have done it too.
I agree with Sousxie but then again our Dusty (small lurcher) loves rolling in either pig poo or fox poo. I think she thinks its Channel No5 & 6. She finds LOVELY smells and rolls in them but I must admit the PIG s**t was the worst .... I nearly Baulked ! On that occassion Dusty needed to be disinfected to get rid of the smell.
Not much you can do about it.... if they like it they will role in it.
Thank fully Blue has only done this once, that was bad enough tho for Phil to ring me from his mobile to have a bath ready for Blue on his return Good job we love them so much.
Hi All, our Molly does lurve to have a good ol' roll every now and again.......and ALWAYS when she's off the lead and far enough away so's we can't reach her in time ....!!
And it's usually fox or deer poo......she thinks she smells simply divine but even Cas turns up his nose at her so it can't be that good!
The worst time was when we took them camping to Mull....first night on the beach.....guess who found a decomposing seal at the other end of the beach....just lying waiting for a certain greyhound to get her neck down in it !!!!!! THat was BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD !!!!!!!!!!:
I am so lucky in that respect, wee janie hates even getting her little paws muddy ( even avoids puddles and if she can't she jumps them), so the thought of rolling and rubbing herself in something yucky wouldn't even enter into her head.
I meant to say earlier too, I remember Saska has even rolled in bird poo (pigeon or seagull), now thats not quite as smelly as other animals poo, but god does it stick and if you don't see them do it, you give them a cuddle later and you touch this stuff on the neck that has set then something clicks and you realise what it is
Pearly loves to roll in poo - not sure if it's deer or fox - and she gets herself really excited by it. She'll roll, then go running mad laps round the field like a daftie. Funny thing is, though, that once the excitement has worn off and she gets a whiff of it she starts to whine cos she can't stand the stench! Poor little princess.
I have a horse & when I take Dinah & Noah to the farm they like nothing more than playing chases through the muck heap , the smell on the way home is - well not very nice
Our Millie is a smelly pooch. She's another that loves rolling in all things disgusting!!! I quite regularly have to give her a shower when we get home and, I've noticed, she seems to manage it when I'm on my lunch break and have about 20 minutes to get back to the office. I had hoped that getting showers would deter her but no such luck - she loves the warm water and seems to relish getting shampooed and towelled dry. Fox is a particular favourite but her worst was the deposit some campers left behind. I was convinced I could smell it three days later. That was definately a two shower job - rubber gloves included. I hope I NEVER have an experience like that one again!!