Coursing races became very popular during the 16th Century. Queen Elizabeth 1 of England (1533-1603) had Thomas, Duke of Norfolk draw up rules judging competitive coursing. These rules were still in effect when the first official coursing club was founded in England in 1776 and have not changed a great deal since this time.
By the turn of the 19th Century the advertising of dogs available for stud for a fee became available. This was a dramatic change from the past, when breeders would never allow one of their champions to sire a dog that might compete against them one day. Formal coursing meets reached their peak of popularity in the late 1800’s and some, such as the Waterloo Cup, are still held today.
even though the rules havent changed much in 300 odd years - at least opinion is slowly coming into the 21st century as to the 'ethics' of coursing!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...