Here are two pics of Tink taken this morning. He is doing very well and is now quite a well behaved for a 1.5 year old boy with a delinquent upbringing, He spent most of his first year in and out of kennels - Latterly not being abled to cope wit h kennel life.
Tink was like many young dogs - homed as pups - they get too big, boisterous and can get dominant. They end up being shown the door if they not run off.
When he came from Bothwell he was quite a handfull as he had not been neutered, he was terribly stressed by kennel life and had some aggresive tendencies towards other dogs.
However 8 hours with my four put in his place - bottom of the heap. Quite amusing to see! Like a spoilt teenager used to getting his way then suddenly finding he had some very big brothers and sisters - who put up with no nonsense. A few growls here and there and that was that.
He was quickly dispatched to the vet for neutering.
Next step was to get him used to other dogs outside. He liked to put on a good show of barking and jumping about. I'm a hard man - don't you try anything. He is now much calmer. He is a real joy to have here as he has such a lively and loving personality. The other dogs love to play with him and he greatly enjoys this.
I had forgotten what it's like to have a younger dog - he has eaten the corner of my leather easy chair and also a wee bit from my leather sofa.
Last night I put a clean dogs duvet on the dining table - it was going on the floor today. However when I went into the room I was met with the sight of Tink sprawled out on the dining table. He just assumed - thats my duvet I must be supposed to be sleeping up here!!!!!!!
LOVELY PHOTO OF TINK, when Cas was in her last home that is exactly where she used to sleep, on the dining room table ,soon put a stop to that. You have been fortunate enough to see it through Tink ?
Tink is the same height as Trei - medium size greyhound dog. They make a well matched pair for walking. Snap and Cloe are the same size so another well matched pair.
Just need a large greyhound dog now to pair with Mick