Okay so how dedicated are you all out there to raising some money???
I’m looking for volunteers who are willing to stand outside a shop such as Petsmart with a collection can, a smile and their lovely happy dog(s) – or not - up to you. Your time would be around 3 or 4 hours or whatever you could manage.
Anyone who would like to volunteer just has to e-mail me with his or her preferred area and I’ll do the rest. All help provided.
There will be a guinea pig test on this one – yet to be confirmed ….
Just think if 400 people did that for 4 hours each raising £50 per time we’d raise the £20,000 in a year.
Look forward to hearing from you all throughout the year.
And don't forget - any other ideas please e-mail me.
Tesco - I was asked by Tesco to send in an application for can collections to their Head Office - I received a letter back saying to you have to apply months in advance and they will look at the application again in April for the June to December period. What I suggest is that you ask the customer service at your local Tesco - I've phoned a couple in East and West and they told me if we go in in person and ask they'll see what days are free. Very nice staff.
Pets at Home - had to apply in writing and just awaiting a reply.
Asda - again I was told to apply to each individual store in person. If you'd like a specific store near to you can I ask that you go in and ask the Customer Service.
I'll let you know what the other supermarkets say.
I notice a few of you have tried to e-mail me - sorry but I've not received any e-mails. I'm receiving e-mails through the forum address "Archie" but not through the carolj address - I'll speak to Dave about it and hopefully find out whats wrong.
I can certainly spare a bit of time to do this in Glasgow or any Lanarkshire places. If you can give me the can, the details and any further instructions that'd be great!
Hi Archie, TESCO now have a charity convener and commitee in each store , you can contact them directly and they will put forward any ideas to head office, though on occasions if it is a local collection the commitee can speed things up. I have been asked to join the commitee in Haddington though we are a little bit away from putting things in motion, meanwhile the convener can be approached on any applications. Nora
Nora - Unfortunately I was sent to Tesco Charity Coordinator @ Sales Activation Solutions (UK) Ltd (which is an independent company dealing with their charity requests). I think it'll be best if anyone wants to collect at their local Tesco, contact them direct.
I'll keep working on other stores and see what I can come up with.
I had thought about doing a collection at Pets @ Home, Great Western Retail Park Store - (I think - the one between Clydebank & Knightswood) as it seems so much busier than my closest store in Renfrew. I asked the chap at the Checkout & he said just to phone the Manager. I don't know if anyone else is interested to go there? (& I forgot to ask if the pavement outside was their land or the Council's re a licence). The other place I had thought about was Braehead Shopping Centre (@ the glass covered walkway at the Ikea end - just in case it rains!!) as I think that all the land is privately owned by the Shopping Centre's owners.
I went into my local Tesco store at Colintonmains Edinburgh and they gave me the head office address which I passed on to you. I will go back in and talk to them again. I know one of the girls who works on customer services so I will try and get her to fight our corner. Fingers crossed.
What about the race courses would Musselburgh, Ayr or Kelso let GAL do a collection.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
I did say to Fiona that GAL would need to contact Liz Wood at the Haddington store with the proper charity number and letter heads, Liz is the charity convener and she would hurry things along as a favour to me. The address is Newtonport, Haddington, East Lothian and name and title as above. Hope this might help. Nora
-- Edited by max at 22:26, 2006-02-17
Hi, Carol - Nora has pretty much filled you in on the details of my email about Tesco in Haddington. I'm happy to spend some time collecting from the good folk of East Lothian.
I've sent the letter off to the Tesco Haddington and I've asked for a reply asap.
I should have word back about Pets at Home this week so if I cannot get firm replies from the supermarkets there are plenty Pets at Home dotted around the country for us to use.
Just to let you all know what is happening with the can collections.
I'm coming up against a lot of red tape which is why it is taking so long. Every request needs to be received in writing.
Pets at Home - letter had to go to Head Office - I've sent another one this morning as my calls are not being returned.
The Tesco contacts you have given me have all received a can collection request in writing.
I will be on holiday during March so if anyone has free time during the week (daytime) to call up as many stores as possible it'd be a great help - at present I'm slotting them in during working hours when the boss goes to the loo.
I am doing my best to try and compile a list of available places before I leave on 8th March as I know there are loads of volunteers ready and willing. If you have the time can I ask that you approach your local stores and see if you have better luck going in in person.