We've been managing the dogs around the front of the house and back garden a bit tighter the past couple of months as our neighbours have a wee kitten which is exploring and often runs across our back garden - not a good move!
On approaching the house from a night time walkie tonight, Harry spots something and starts pulling and then so does Pearly. Anyway - the kitten is under our car and the dogs know it. We get the dogs to the front door and Fiona tries to settle them and get them inside to the house so calls on them again and oops - the kitten comes running in too! Needless to say both dogs go mental - but the kitten soon realised its mistake and took off.
Another close escape - the day before the kitten ran across the back wall - knowing the dogs were there. Oh what fun.
Blimey!! That was a close call! I am a bit unsure as to why your neighbour would let the kitten just run free considering there are some big fast dogs next door!
Oh NO! I really feel for you - the cats around where I live are a menace too. I hvae to walk Petra muzzled around the streets, as she is a 'silent killer', whilst Osc just goes mental barking, but his bark is worse than his bite as they say, so he has a head-collar on to control the lunging.
These past few days, we had 2 incidents of FLYING cats and by that I mean, cats taking off from a wall or hedge right in front of us and flying through the air. Oscar went really crazy, even with his Halti on!
I don't have a garden at the mo, but when I get one, I'm afraid any cat stupid enough to enter will just have to take its chances - I refuse to muzzle etc. on my own property, so if people are going to allow their cats to wander, they'll just have to accept it if the worst happens!
I have two cats along with my four greyhounds, they get along great indoors but my cats do not go out so when the dogs see the cat from next door they still chase and go ballistic even though they know not to chase cats when indoors. foxes are the worst culprits where i am, when i walk these the foxes stand there and stare but wont move while the dogs snarl, bark and pull my arm from its socket... either stupid or suicidial.???
I don't have a garden at the mo, but when I get one, I'm afraid any cat stupid enough to enter will just have to take its chances - I refuse to muzzle etc. on my own property, so if people are going to allow their cats to wander, they'll just have to accept it if the worst happens!
I am sure someone on here told me that its my responsibility if my dog attacks a cat - wherever it happens.... apparently its not the cats fault! Could be wrong but I am sure someone told me that. I will see if I can see where it was......
I mustn't have read that on here as I have just found this quote online (from Yorkshire Police)
'There have been decisions in the past by courts and authorities to suggest that it is the nature of a dog to kill and wound small animals. In the event of your cat being wounded or killed by a dog, it is therefore unlikely that the police would be able to take any action. The police will take action if the dog was dangerously out of control in a public place'
Yes, under the DDA it is the dog being out of control in a public place that is the law - under the older 19th century Dogs Act perhaps it may still be possible to prosecute if a cat strays into your private property, but in all honesty, I would think that unreasonable...I also think it unreasonable for cat owners or anyone else to expect you to have your dogs on a lead and/or muzzled on your own property when the animal has not been invited into your garden.
After all, a lot of greyhounds cannot get off the lead anywhere else other than in their own garden.
GAL's basic take on this is that if your dog injures or kills a cat that has entered your own garden then there's nothing that can be done by way of prosecution of the dog or owner. Different story when outside however....