I think its important to remember that 14th February "Singles Awareness Day" or SAD is a difficult day for some of us. The postman didn't need the royal mail fleet to deliver the gifts and cards. Interflora weren't constantly knocking at the door. So remember if you know of someone, maybe a neighbour or a friend, who suffers from the debilitating effects of Singleness, consider them today as this is the most difficult time of year for them. Check that the milk has been taken in, that the papers are collected from the doorstep.
If you can think of them and increase awareness maybe the stigma of singleness can be reduced.
I rolled over in bed this morning, next to the man in my life... I ran my hand over his well toned, muscular body, Sighed a happy sigh, knowing that I was the love of his life....
then Murphy licked me in the ear....who needs men when we have dogs!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Speaking after 21 years experience, with my hubby (I did start young, I'm not as old as that sounds!) the most you can expect even in this happy house - is a lick from Tig or Chad and as they are a) my bit on the side and b) the blonde bombshell -then who cares!!
They are the perfect men, lots of love without expecting anything else in return!
Happy valentines day - singles, matched, and everyone who didn't get a card or indeed a bouquet! I think the royal mail is supposed to lose a lot of post so that's where it all went folks!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to al singlepeople , and if your are like me happly married you too may get a present like I did, a brand new HALLOGEN HEATER FOR YOUR UTILITY ROOM, BAH MEN! not a romantic bone in there bodies. Nora
I didn't mean to imply that it was sad being single. I've got two wonderful men in my life, jasper and ziggy. I read an article on internet which inspired my post. I really quite happy being single.
Hi Jenny, yes I read your post again and I can understand that today could well bring stigma to some, especially when there's so much commercialism and hype about Valentines day. But hey it can be great being single :- ) *-)
BAH MEN! not a romantic bone in there bodies. Nora
Not true Nora, Sheena and I have been happily married for 35 years. We attribute this to a long standing arrangement, that one night every week we go out for a nice Italian meal, a bottle of fine red wine, a couple of liquers and a night of unbridled passion!!!! Sheena goes on a Tuesday and I go on a Friday. Cheers.
Alan, Lulu and Douglas's Dad or am I Lulu's dad and Douglas's grandad?