Millie is going in to be spayed tomorrow, dropping her off at vets for 8am before college. Im feeling guilty already as she hates being left at the vets, especially what she's been through (tests for her heart probs).
I hope everything goes ok for my big babe
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Dont worry Jennifer....Millie will be fine and probably spoiled by the girls in the vets. When you hand her over, dont look at her! When I took Presley in to get neutered last week, I just said off you go, be a good boy and I walked out without looking at him. He walked away quite happily....unfortunately to chew his lead and harness!!
Try not to worry, she will be fine and will look forward to a tasty snack when she gets home.
Millie will be just fine and dandy. I was in bits when I had to leave Harry for just a short while for some x-rays. We all feel your pain! I know it's much better to keep calm but if you feel like a blub when you leave the vets then just you go ahead and have one!
ps: wine and chocolate help in situations of angst.....
Don't worry too much about Millie. We had Sophie spayed just a short while ago and everything went great. She was a complete wimp for about three days (lifted on to couch cause floor looked too hard! hand fed whilst lying on couch, cause getting up was too much of an effort! mind you never missed a meal funnily enough!) Think she realised she was pushing her luck on day four, so decided to get up and join the real world.
Just been to pick up Millie, i feel so guilty as she never even wagged her tail when she saw me. She seems very very sleepy still. I have made her chicken breast and boiled rice but she isnt even interested. She is flaked out on the livingroom floor, fast asleep. Are they normally this sleepy after the op? she was done about 11am this morning?
All the vets and nurses were great, fussing all over her. I feel like such a bad mummy for putting her through this although i know its for the best in the long run.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
When our dogs were done, they didn't really perk up again till the following day. Belle, being Belle, ate the food she was offered even though she was half asleep, but the other dogs hadn't much appetite.
One thing they all had in common was that they got a bit shivery even though the room was warm. A blanket soon sorted that out.
Isn't it strange how everyone feels a wee bit guilty at this time? Even when we know it's in the dog's best interests!
yeah Jen - Maisie wouldnt eat at all after her op. She just slept all night & then ate like a horse the next morning....aloe vera gel on the wound will stop any itching/redness/swelling over the next week too which will help Millie feel more comfy! A must - any chemist has it
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
When I picked up ziggy after his operation he was still pretty out of it, so much so that he had a poo on the waiting room floor. It took him a full nights sleep to recover. Mind you he looks pretty much the same ever since as he is always sleeping!
Sorry I've caused confusion and hijacked the post!! Ziggy hasn't had an op today, I was just empathising with Jennifer and sharing my story of Ziggy when he was at vet in Jan. Ooops!
Jen, don't feel guilty about Millie and you are NOT a bad mummy - quite the opposite.
When Daisy was done, she was sleepy for about two days, didn't want any food and only walked when necessary - to go in the garden for the toilet. she was almost back to her old self by day 3 and never looked back after that. she didn't bother about her stitches and was behaving normally.
Millie will be fine, especially with all the tlc she'll be getting
Glad to hear that everything went well with the op. It's not surprising that Millie feels a bit woozy. no doubt she'll be scoffingher chicken and rice with gusto in no time.
Tilly was spayed four weeks ago and she was completely fine - was a bit bruised for a couple of days but fine. She was still staying at the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home where we rehomed her from but we saw her four days after her op and apart from the bald patch where they had shaved her you wouldnt know. Her wound has healed beautifully now.
We'll cross our fingers for you and i'm sure that Tilly will cross her paws for her.
Hi, Im jennifer who works at the dog and cat home, mind i was talking to you about Tilly aka number 80!! Dave, you will also know what dog this is, mind its the one i phoned you about - white flecks
Glad she has settled in so well. she was such a cutie to work with, she used to nibble your hand as you closed her kennel as she didnt want you to leave
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Where do you aloe vera gel? (I tried at the chemist and they don't have it). Gonnae huv to get it cos think Abbey's wound is gettin itchy already. Poor soul was demented this mornin!
Holland and Barrett sell aloe vera gel 99% stuff. Or some small chemists sell big tubes quite cheap. Get the stuff with the high aloe vera content though.
I'll miss this walk as have work (24 kennels to clean). I make some of the walks but have to plan ahead to get the day off unless its a walk during the week (im free then). Or unless i take a sickie at weekends
I'll no doubt catch up with you at some point but your very lucky, Tilly has got beautiful markings and is a lovely nature.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."