Here is a pic of my dynamic duo. Frances is a Chow/Collie mix that I found by the highway over a year ago. At the time I found her she weighed 40 pounds, now she weighs 55 and looks wonderful. Her life before I took her in and had been pretty chaotic. It took her a while to settle in and even longer to be happy.
Pi will be a year old on April 30. Her mother was a stray that wandered up and had six puppies a few days later. I was there when the puppies were born and helped get them into good homes. Her home didn't work out, so I got her back. Can't say I am too sad about that. Her eyes are a lovely shade of blue and she is getting more spots all the time.
And these are my lagomorph hounds. More clever and prone to plots to take over the world than other dogs.
What a gorgeous bunch you have!!! We all love seeing piccies of folks pets on here so keep em coming!! Its so nice to have oversees visitors to the forum! V Jealous. Im quite sure its not quite as warm here in sunny Edinburgh than you view out your window of the lovely Florida!!
The pictures are lovely. I like how your rabbits have a little dumper truck to play on
When I saw your post in the introductions I have to admit that I had to do a google search for Catahoula Leopard Dog as I had never even heard of one before. Gorgeous!
Welcome to the forum
Jane & Casper
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
What sweet photo,s of your lovely pets. the set up for the rabbits is amazing. So nice to hear about you and your lovely furry friends. Do not think Daz would have much of a problem finding the suns rays in Florida. Hope to hear more from you in the future. My avatar is Cas my 5 years young grey, I also have Sasha a 18month whippet and two border colllies Juno 9 years and Fly aged 2 years. I would put up photo,s but I am rubbish at it. Nora
LOL Jane - I spotted the dumper truck too! I also like that the rabbit house in the background has its own little 'outhouse' !! LOVE the white & black rabbit with the lions mane.... one day...when I move from a flat to a house with my own garden, Id love to have rabbits again....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Here's the greyhound connection.... I looked up Catahoula Leopard Dogs on Wikipedia and this is what it said:
"One theory as to the breed's origins states that the Catahoula is thought to have descended from "war dogs" (Mastiffs and Greyhounds) brought to Louisiana by Hernando de Soto in the 16th century. Dogs left behind by the explorer's party were interbred by the local Indians with a semidomesticated Red Wolf.
So if they are descended from Mastiffs, Greyhounds and Red Wolves surely that makes them Lurchers! Welcome to the forum Mandy, you are a Lurcher owner and this is absolutely the right place for you!!!
The background on Catahoulas is fascinating. They are a breed, but are also meant to be a sturdy mix of other breeds. I see glimmers of the greyhound in Pi. As she grows, she is mellowing and starting to have a wicked sense of humor, which I associate more with greyhounds than I do any of the other dogs in her.
One of the warnings I got from the local Catahoula Rescue was to never, ever, as in under no circumstances breed Pi with a wolf hybrid or a red wolf. The mix would be more wolf than dog, and that could lead to problems. Of course, this is a moot point, because she was already spayed. Besides, I live in the backwoods, so far just outside of all the urban sprawl, but even here red wolfs don't roam the streets...
If I ever went and got a dog from a rescue, I would want a greyhound. The local rescue has their foster dogs out near the shopping center sometimes and I just love to see them. So far, though, I have never actually chosen a dog, they have chosen me.
The rabbits are really fun. A lot more work than any other animal I have ever had, but worth it. They spend some time outside, but most of the time they are in the house in their own area. The dumper is Alys' (brown lop) favorite toy. She makes a running go, jumps in the back of it and it coasts for a while with her in it. I never see her do this, but I hear the THUMP-SCOOT sounds all over the house.
The weather here is wonderful. While the rest of the country is still bundling up and longing for Spring, we are having the end of Spring. Of course while the rest of the country is having summer, we have tropical temps and hurricanes, which just goes to prove nothing is perfect.
Maisie looks really like Tilly - who knows they may be related!
Everyone -
It's lovely and sunny here in Fife today and Tilly's been basking in the sun most of the morning. She's a very happy girl right now as she has Drummer (my parents lurcher) staying and she's in love!
Lovely to see your crew again I never thought of rabbits as such playful creatures. I had an adorable plain black rabbit when I was a child but her main 'hobby' was to follow me wherever I went. Of course, I never tried offering her a dumper truck ;)
I'm sure if you hang around here long enough someone will be bound to persuade you that you need a greyhound. Six months ago the thought of having one was barely crossing my mind and now increasingly I weigh up when it might be wise/possible to slot in another into our crowding household.
Your dogs and rabbits are lovely. I've just shown my 12 year old daughter the photo of your rabbits and she thinks they are gorgeous. She has a grey lop male who lives outside (he's the love of her life) She's just asked why we can't have her rabbit in the house?.......errrr one answer .....Sunny
Landess and Sunny
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Just love the pictures of your dogs and rabbits! I'd never heard of a Catahoula Leopard Dog either, but what great looking dogs they are! Pi looks lovely and you've certainly made a difference to Frances now that she's a better weight and a lot happier too in the good home you've given her.
Your rabbits look very comfortable in their custom-built area with plenty hidey-holes and things to play with.
Welcome to the forum! I'm so looking forward to hearing more about you and your pets in sunny Florida.