What a great turnout for the GAL's 1st Edinburgh Walk at Holyrood. AND THIS WAS ONLY SOME OF THE CROWD.
Thank you to all that joined us today, it was great getting to meet all the fantastic hounds and obviously many of the folk I have spoken to either on the phone or here on the forum, and also to the many people and their hounds that I have had the pleasure to meet today.
All the dogs were so well-behaved, as we knew they would be and many people came and enquired about GAL and the dogs.
All in all what a great success.
I have photos to post here later and I also knew a few others had their cameras clicking, so should get to see quite a few photos.
Post back later - Mother's Day is calling so I am being dragged off the pc at the moment to go to eat.
We (and Tilly) really enjoyed the walk, and meeting all the hounds (and owners!). Thank you to everyone for making us feel so welcome on our first GAL outing!
Tilly loves the new coat we bought her, and is now absolutely out for the count on her bed and probably will be until dinner beckons!
Thanks for organising everything today Siouxsie and Carole, seems like you did a great job, good news is I've already received my first online application from a family that attended today Now hurry up with the piccies, us 'west' coasters are dying to see if the 'fur coat nae knickers' thing they say about Edinburgh folk is true...
Sorry that Casper and I couldn't stay for very long at the walk today. The rain was too much for Aedan and we turned back about ten minutes into the walk! We sat in the car and had a hot drink, but Aedan fell asleep so we just decided to get ourselves home and warm.
The turnout was great and I was surprised at how many hounds I recognised from pictures on the forum and it was good to meet the people behind the posts !
Well done to the organisers, it was a great success and I am already looking forward to the next one. Now I know how to get there, I can drive on my own next time and will hopefully make it the whole way round!
Great to hear there were lots of enquiries about the dogs, the turnout was good and it certainly drew a lot of attention!
Oh and what about Esther - super woman or what!! I hope there are pictures to prove it!
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
We all had fun too, more so when the rain went away and the sun came back out again!! Pearly did her usual trick of barking at all the dogs to keep them in line (bossy little minx that she is!) and Harry was fantastically well behaved. But, then, he always is with greyhounds. I was amused to see a woman with a tiny little terrier walking into the fray of about 14 houndies to say hello and ask us what we were all doing!!
Only thing is, Steve's not sure if he can afford to go to any of the walks any more. Okay, so I ended up spending a few quid on a coat or two for Harry and Pearly (must post piccies, cos her one is an absolute beaut!), but if you can't support your local greyhound rescue and spoil your pointies at the same time, then what can you do?!?!
Harry and Pearly are totally knacked and they slept all the way home in the car.
Thanks very much to Siouxsie and Carole for meeting and greeting, and to Landess and Sunny for leading the way on the walk. And Steve wants to say a special thanks to whomever made the flapjack cos it was just the job after the walk!
Thanks for organising the walk. I'd no idea till Siouxie was telling us just what is involved in getting permission to do an event like that!
I've got lots of pictures that Peter took. I was too busy parading around with our handsome hound (ok, so I'm biased but I thought he looked gorgeous )
Everyone ok with photos in the body of this thread? I'll post them here and holler if you want them taken out.
Dave... Peter says 'all the dogs had beautiful fur coats and he didn't notice any with knickers'
Meeting at Holyrood Car Park
Milling at the start
Was this Tilly before she showed off her white flecks? I don't remember seeing a dog in this coat.
Stand by the phone Dave - at least 6 people went away with application forms and no wonder - the dogs were incredibly well behaved, I was soooo proud of them. Thanks to all the owners for turning out to let people know that GREYHOUNDS MAKE GREAT PETS. I think the message came over loud and clear. As for Siouxsie and Landess - take a bow, you did a great job. However, my bouquet for the day, goes to Esther - I know your heart was breaking because of Sally but as always, the desire to promote greyhounds and their needs was uppermost in your thoughts and actions. God bless you for all that you do on their behalf, I know Sally would say - THREE CHEERS FOR ESTHER.
My dogs all had a great time and were really tired. Slept all afternoon, althought they never walked very far as i arrived a wee bit later than everyone else. I think they just get tired mixing with other dogs and the fresh air. Was nice to meet folk that i have seen posting on here.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
The dog we think is Tilly with Caspar. So sorry to lose you due to the rain Jane, hope you can make the next one and that Caspar continues to do well.
Here's Esther's crew... or some of them. Sorry Esther, I hadn't known anything about Sally, thanks for coming today anyway it was great to see such a collection of lovely dogs.
Great piccies. Looks like everyone had a good day. Love Esther's dogs! the Salukis are so beautiful. I want one!! Great that some applications have been done already too! Keep the pics coming, I never get bored with them.
To clear up any mystery, yes the "dog in the coat" is Tilly. She didn't want to get her flecks out until she got to know people - she's not that sort of dog (even though she is from Edinburgh!)
It was lovely meeting all the hounds and owners, and meeting the ones I have not met before. The weather im-proved and the veiws were amazing. The photo,s are great, and all the dogs were so well behaved. Cas and sasha had there dinner and have been flaked out ever since. Esther is a star and manages all those dogs as an expert, I can get in tangled with two. Glad to see Casper was doing better and hope his health improves.
Thank you Nora
Okay so I'm a bit slow with my post about today......I've been sleeping it must have been all that fresh air. Sunny has not left the couch since we got back not even for her tea so she must be tired.
Today was great, once the rain went off and the sun came out it was a really nice walk. Well done Siouxsie for arranging such a great place to walk our hounds and promote GAL.
Did anyone get round to counting how many dogs were there....alot!
Kathye your photos are great. I'm just glad you didn't post any of my hair after that rain shower (Siouxsie don't even think about it).
Jane it was great to see Casper looking better.
It was great meeting everyone. Hope to see you all at the next one.
Oh and I have to own up I didn't make the flapjacks I got a friend to make them for us. Will put in an order for the next time.
Landess and Sunny.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Now for the bit that is very important, (and if I forget anybody please dont be offended) Big THANK YOU to Ruby & Rosie (Carole/Paul), Sunny (Landess), Harry & Pearly (Fiona/Steve),Casper (Jane), Ben (Nicola), Daz (Kathye/Peter), Cas & Sasha (Nora), Tilly (Andrew/Debbie),Timmy (Sheila/Eoin), Molly (Carolyn/Carolyn's Mum), Malcolm, Indy, Twiggy & Lucy (Jade/Dino), Sofi (Lorraine), Roscoe, Jess (Steve) Glen, Tess, & Jackie hopefully you will be able to bring Sadie with you next time, and a special Thank you to Red, Pharoah, Aisha, Tess, Legion, Jack, Jill, Fynn & Skye (Esther/Paul) and i don't need to say why.
And also to Millie, Eva & Toby (Jennifer) i know it wasn't your fault that your mum went out on Saturday night and turned up late, but at least you all made it.
As I have said at the start of this I apologise if I have not mentioned you, but you all made it a great success and I hope you will all make next month Holyrood Walk.
And also to Millie, Eva & Toby (Jennifer) i know it wasn't your fault that your mum went out on Saturday night and turned up late, but at least you all made it.
won't happen next time LOL
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
The photos are great! It looks like everyone had an enjoyable day! Hope some dogs get their forever homes from all the interest that the walk generated.