Last week a red lump very suddenly appeared on Tyler's back leg near her ankle (not attached to bone).
On Monday the vet will do a small biopsy and get it checked for anything sinister!!
He didn't want to just go in there and remove it straight away as he explained if its anything to worry about then he needs to be sure he is getting the whole thing away and not leave any fragments. The problem is the lack of flesh at the bottom of their legs. If it was elsewhere on the body there would be more skin to close it up!
I can't pretend I'm not worried but I know many dogs do get benign growths which are not a problem.
Won't get the results till end of next week - so fingers all crossed!!
Just a wee note to say that both Eilidh and Luca have had lumps removed and tested and both of them turned out to be harmless. It is very worrying at the time though. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that everything is ok for you.
We'll all keep everything crossed that Tyler's lump is benign. I just know how worried you'll be at the moment - hope a good result comes back from the vet very quickly! Give Tyler a big hug from Vegas and me.
Maisie has had several lumps appear on her legs - all cysts that disappeared by themselves (apart from one that I popped - it was fab - just like squeezing a giant zit!! LOL ). The vet told me that some dogs are just prone to getting wee cysts - they appear overnight & disappear in a few days, caused by trapped dirt etc....Murf had a large lump on his chest once that took about 2 wks to disappear - the vets at my work at the time said it was something like a hystiocytoma (? wrote a thread about it somewhere but cant remember where) - which again is just 'one of these things' totally benign & disappears in under 3 wks .......
Fingers crossed for wee Tyler xx
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Thanks for the info Suzanne. Yes, Tyler also gets zit like spots that need a squeeze!!!! (I'm sure she's still a teenager, LOL) She also had a couple of sebaceous cysts (fatty lumps) before we got her.
these werent spots as such but more like frozen peas under her skin - usually around her ankle & hock....the one I popped (thought it was a large tick to begin with so was giving it a squeeze) was full of pus.....amazingly satisfying!! LOL
How did Tyler get on today at the vets then?
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Won't have the biopsy results for another week to 10 days. She got stitches so is sporting a nice purple bandage. I still think it will be necessary to have it removed as I find the ankles are easily knocked off things. And as the vet advised if it was allowed to grow too big then skin would need to be grafted from another area to cover the wound!!
Tyler's lump is all clear, thankfully. The vet said it was some kind of inflammation! Last week it was messy with stitches and was infected and she got antibiotics. Now it is cleared up and healing well, and the lump seems to have gone!! As Suzanne mentioned, there seems to be quite a few forms of lumps and bumps that are harmless. But always best to get it checked out if in doubt I say. Even the vet couldn't say what it was before the biopsy.
Whilst at the vet we asked for advice about the ripped off dew claw as it is still bleeding after coming off more than 3 weeks ago, which is all down to her constantly licking it!!! The vet sent her home with a huge 'lampshade' - LOL
I had tried putting Vaseline on it but that didn't deter her, and latterly tried just putting a light gauze bandage on but it still bled.
btw - She does respond to being told off when licking it but I can't watch her 24/7. I think she'd wreck the house trying to get the 'lampshade' off. So am trying some tea tree oil on the wound, hopefully it will be a deterrent. Someone has suggested a applying Vick around the area as a deterrent!
About the dew claw - did the vet put a bandage on it when Tyler first knocked it? Pearly has whopped her dew claws three times and each time she has a bandage on for a week to let it heal a bit (simple non-stick dressing, bit of gauze for padding, covered with vetwrap). Then it comes off and she's free to lick away because the healing is well under way. We've not had any problems with long-term bleeding with Pearly.
(Just as well, cos the only time we put a lampshade on her she stood motionless in front of us with her head hanging down for almost an hour until we took it off again).
i am so pleased to hear that tyler's lump was nothing to worry about, you must be so relieved.
as for putting vick on her dew claw - i could imagine that might sting a bit - you know how painful it is when you put it on a sore nose if you have a cold !!
as for pearly - i was in hysterics, imagining her motionless with the lampshade on. i know i shouldn't laugh but the mental image just got me chuckling !
Fiona, the tea tree oil so far seems to be working as a deterrent, but thanks for mentioning the bandaging which I will resort to if there's no improvement soon, although the vet was keen to now leave it uncovered. But on saying that I see what you mean about giving it a chance to dry up under a bandage as the bit where the lump/stitches was healed up great bandaged for 9 days!
Hi Lita - sorry I only just read this, but I am hugely relieved to see that Tyler's lump was benign.
As for her dew claw - I find with Sim that if I cover something he is persistently licking at he does stop. To allow air to get at it for healing I would smear it with something healing i.e. Aloe Vera gel, or Sudacrem; then place a small pad of gauze over it and stick in place lightly with micropore (or microporous) tape which sticks to the hair but doesn't pull it when you remove the tape. If you just put the tape across the pad and leave the sides open the air will still be able to get at it. It is also easy to do if/when it needs to frequently reapplied.
Sim has a wee sore bit on one of his thighs at the moment and I am just considering whether to do the same for it.
Thanks Lesley, the tea tree oil was helping until today then she was rolling about playing and caught the claw which started bleeding again, so we're trying the gauze and micropore tape, which will stay on now 24/7 for about a week!
For persistent bleeding Wound Powder is great. You can get it from your vet, but I am pretty sure you can also get it in small containers from pet shops.
It is antiseptic and goes on like talc - great for areas which are still too wet with blood to make AV gel or Sudacrem practical.
I must say I am hugely impressed with the healing power of Sudacrem. I have been told about it's effectiveness before but I tried it for the first time over the weekend on a persistent sore bit Suzie has between her back legs. After two applications the sore bit is now healed.