My boyfriend is not a doggy person at all. When we first started going out a year and half ago, he thought i was mad having 3 dogs. When my lovely "Stella" died last August, he didnt think i should get another dog although i said how it would make no difference as i had 2 already (and i personally dont think its any more work) He strongly made his point clear about how he didnt want me to get another one, but me being quite a strong willed person decided i knew best and thats when i got Millie. Just thought id share this with you, as someone (my BF) not being a doggy person, i have just spent a few days away with him and the dogs and i find it fab that he had so much contact and envolvment with the dogs (especially Millie) as he thinks she is so funny. Basically im just saying it is possible to convert someone and its true that greys can have an amazing effect on some folk. I thought i'd share these pics with you to show you what i mean. He used to not even hold the dogs lead for me when out walking. Now he lets Millie share the bed LOL
Playing with them
Must be love LOL
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Lovely pics. Greyhounds do seem to have that effect on people. My husband's family are very much cat people, however, having spent Christmas with George and Maia they were in love with them and even taking an interest in the website looking at any dogs that may be cat friendly!!
As for your boyfriend, perhaps it's not just the dogs who are doing the heart melting.... or perhaps he is just being a typical man and will do anything for a quiet life!!
Have found out that Greys have that sort of effect on un-doggy people. Debbie's sister's boyfriend (you follow?) is def not a doggy person, he tolerates them but that's about it but Tilly has managed to mellow him and he is def warming to her - how could he not though?!!! Everyone that we met whilst away at the weekend had to speak to Tilly and whenever we're out with her people, children in particular want to stroke her.
I defo would if i had a bigger house and garden! But as Christianne says, he's probably just being a typical bloke and doing whatever it takes for an easy life LOL
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
It's amazing how many people are converted who would never think of themselves as doggy people. Super photos, Jennifer, of a guy and his dog!
The background of the last couple of shots look very familiar. Were the photos taken in Crail - I think I recognise Crail Harbour? When I was very young, we had many happy family holidays in Crail as my Dad came from there.
Greys seem to have the ability to convert most people. Think it's the way they just lean on you for a cuddle rather than the intense "look at me look at me" bounciness of some other breeds.
Really like the photo of them both looking at each other you can see in the eyes how fond they are of each other.